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NFuse combines two of the most popular bus processors on the market and provides complete flexibility with replaceable modules (F or N modes) and a tunable signal chain!
What is NFuse?
NFuse combines the best of both worlds, showcasing the classic analog character and modern precision of two of the most renowned bus processors on the market.
Because each module is interchangeable, you have complete control over the saturation, EQ, compression and stereo width of your mix.
With a wide range of tonal options between modules, you don’t just get two flavors of the same thing, but two powerful devices in one.
F: Input controls, as well as a variable HPF, which includes a small resonant hump from which processing begins.
F: 输入控制,以及一个可变HPF,它包括一个小的共振峰,从这里开始处理。
N: Input controls, as well as a flat HPF variable that determines where processing starts in the plugin.
N: 输入控件,以及一个确定插件中处理开始位置的平面HPF变量。
F: Brings crisp, harmonic saturation reminiscent of the most popular pop and rock consoles, with Drive and Density controls affecting how saturation responds to the signal.
F: 带来清脆、和谐的饱和度,让人想起最流行的流行和摇滚控制台,驱动和密度控制会影响饱和度对信号的反应。
N: Round and thick saturation with “Dark” controls to add extra weight to the low end and “Red” controls to enhance the harmonics of the top end!
N: 圆形和厚饱和度,“深色”控件为低端添加额外的重量,“红色”控件增强高端的谐波!
F: Mastering-grade two-band EQ designed to add significant weight to the low frequencies and add presence and air to any mix with minimal phase shift.
F: 掌握级双频EQ,旨在为低频增加显著的重量,并以最小的相移为任何混合添加存在和空气。
N: Equipped with a 2-band shelving EQ that provides the smooth tonal tuning needed for both fine tuning and more extensive correction.
N: 配备2频段搁架均衡器,可提供微调和更广泛校正所需的平滑音调调谐。
F: Equipped with the world’s most popular tire compressor, renowned for its punching power and “glue” in any source.
F: 配备了世界上最受欢迎的轮胎压缩机,以其冲压力和任何来源的“胶水”而闻名。
N: Includes an optical compressor that adds dynamic control and color tint, with adjustable release speed for versatility! Turn on Hi-Ratio mode for extreme compression!
N: 包括一个光学压缩器,可增加动态控制和色调,释放速度可调,实现多功能性!打开高比率模式进行极限压缩!
F: Super colorful spatial tool for adding and removing width and space from any tracks in your mix.
F: 超级丰富多彩的空间工具,用于添加和删除混音中任何曲目的宽度和空间。
N: Extremely powerful and true-sounding stereo amplifier. Whether you need a wider drum room or want to improve the entire mix-bass, this control has you covered! Keep your low frequencies intact with HPF!
N: 功能强大,声音真实的立体声放大器。无论您是需要更宽的鼓室,还是想要提高整个混音低音,此控件都能满足您的需求!使用HPF保持低频率不变!
F and N: Output controls, global bypass and metering.
Install and register with one of the serials from the file “_mocha_Serials.txt” without spaces!
