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Green 4 includes a 5-band mono parametric equalizer, a 5-band true stereo parametric equalizer, a 5-band stereo parametric mastering equalizer and a stereo mastering limiter/compressor . It also features our Ultragain matching technology, which accurately displays all gain values ​​at all frequencies for maximum accuracy.
Green 4包括5波段单参数均衡器、5波段真立体声参数均衡器、五波段立体声参数母版均衡器和立体声母版限制器/压缩器。它还采用了我们的超增益匹配技术,可以准确显示所有增益值​​以获得最大精度。
The brainchild of the inventor of the parametric equalizer. Green 4 is a set of plugins that accurately emulates standard high-end processors used in professional recording studios around the world. Made in the USA, it was designed by one of the most famous and respected recording engineers in the world, who is the inventor of the concept of parametric equalization.
参数均衡器发明者的创意。Green 4是一组插件,精确模拟世界各地专业录音棚使用的标准高端处理器。它在美国制造,由世界上最著名和最受尊敬的录音工程师之一设计,他是参数均衡概念的发明者。
Acustica plugins require installation: Acustica Framework
Acustica插件需要安装:Acustica Framework
Here’s what’s included in the
Green 4 Stereo Parametric Mastering Equalizer (GREEN4ZENEQ) plugin pack
Green 4立体声参数控制均衡器(GREEN4ZENEQ)插件包
. Five-band stereo parametric equalizer with fixed frequency, high and low shelving filters, +6/-6 dB gain turn, adjustable Q for each band, left/right/mid sides, reference to controls, various types of meters, pan, roll, phase inversion and preamp bypass stage.
.具有固定频率的五频带立体声参数均衡器,高和低搁置滤波器,+6/-6 dB增益转弯,每个频带的可调Q,左/右/中间侧,参考控制,各种类型的仪表,平移,滚动,相位反转和前置放大器旁路级。
Green 4 Stereo Mastering Limiter/Compressor (GREEN4ZENCMP)
Green 4立体声Mastering Limiter/Compressor(GREN4ZENCMP)
Stereo RMS limiter/compressor consisting of two compressors (fast-slow) running in parallel for each channel. The Green 4 Zen Compressor is an uncompromising, precise and extremely efficient tool for mastering and other mission-critical applications where complete control, flexibility and transparency are required. Watch the video below to learn how to get the most out of this incredibly useful tool.
立体声RMS限制器/压缩器由两个压缩器(快-慢)组成,每个通道并行运行。Green 4 Zen Compressor是一款毫不妥协、精确且极其高效的工具,用于掌握和其他需要完全控制、灵活性和透明度的关键任务应用程序。观看下面的视频,了解如何充分利用这个极其有用的工具。
