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Snow is a set of 4 plugins that emulate modern high-end equipment in the British style. The original samples were expertly designed by the most famous man in the history of professional audio and represent the culmination of his extensive knowledge of analog circuits.
The plugin includes several world-class devices, including one of the most expensive studio consoles on the market (fully discrete, with custom-designed input and output transformers), which is also the favorite of one of the most famous electronic music producers in the world. Thanks to the quality of the source material combined with our extreme care in sampling and adaptation, the Snow plugin is texturally perfect.
The Snow EQ equalizer embodies that “console” taste that distinguishes toys from serious instruments. It provides incredible transparency, embodying half a century of experience designing high-end audio equipment by one of the finest electronics engineers who ever lived. And as if that’s not enough, it offers additional unique features such as a Texture scheme that can breathe life into even the most boring recordings.
Snow EQ均衡器体现了将玩具与严肃乐器区分开来的“控制台”品味。它提供了令人难以置信的透明度,体现了由有史以来最优秀的电子工程师之一设计高端音频设备半个世纪的经验。似乎这还不够,它提供了额外的独特功能,例如纹理方案,即使是最无聊的录音也能注入活力。
Snow Preamp: This juicy plugin consists of 3 separate banks (line, mic and user) containing a total of 52 “British style” preamps.
The Snow Compressor is a bi-mono plugin, powered by two powerful dynamics processors that will imbue your tracks with so much character it’s practically illegal. It also includes a versatile Texture circuit
Snow Compressor是一个双声道插件,由两个强大的动力学处理器提供动力,这些处理器会给你的曲目注入如此多的字符,这实际上是非法的。它还包括一个通用的纹理电路
that allows you to adjust the amount of drive before output.
The 053 is built around a British-style dynamics processor, input and output transformers, and almost entirely discrete component amplifiers.
CH2 is derived from a very famous compressor-limiter module with fully controllable feed-forward/feedback modes and a Peak/RMS detector combo. Unfortunately, this cool little machine has been discontinued, so our plugin is the only way to access the unique sound of this device.
Snow MB (Master Bus) is our take on a stereo dynamic processor, borrowed from a well-known modern hardware unit. Its manufacturer describes it as being able to “enhance, reconstruct and smooth your sound to perfection.”
Snow MB(主总线)是我们从一个著名的现代硬件单元借来的立体声动态处理器。其制造商将其描述为能够“将声音增强、重建和平滑到完美”
This amazing device can add the finishing touches to your master bus like nothing else. You’ll get compression, limiting, stereo field control, and precise manipulation of harmonic content – all in one plugin!
