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The second part of Efektor modulation plugins, each of which is designed to increase the level of your musical expression. From soulful vibrato vibrations to thrilling spinning vortexes, psychedelic vibes and otherworldly ring modulator tones.
Optical Vibe Machine
Psychedelic Revival: Kuassa Efektor Omnivibe captures the iconic spirit of classic Uni-vibe modulation from the 60s, delivering swirling, pulsating and phasing sounds that add a psychedelic edge to your guitar tone. Featuring intuitive controls for speed, intensity, and tone shaping, this plugin offers a versatile palette for both vintage swirls and modern vibes, transcending time on a sonic journey.
迷幻复兴:Kuassa Efektor Omnivibe捕捉了60年代经典Uni vibe调制的标志性精神,提供旋转、脉动和分阶段的声音,为你的吉他音色增添迷幻的边缘。该插件具有对速度、强度和色调塑造的直观控制,为复古漩涡和现代共鸣提供了一个多功能的调色板,在声波之旅中超越了时间。
Ring Modulator
Delve into uncharted soundscapes with the Kuassa Efektor Ringmojo, a revolutionary ring modulator that transforms your sound into a symphony of metallic resonance, ethereal ringing and experimental frequencies. Designed for sonic explorers and avant-garde creators.
使用Kuassa Efektor Ringmojo,一款革命性的环形调制器,将您的声音转换为金属共振、空灵铃声和实验频率的交响乐,深入探索未知的音景。专为声音探索者和前卫创作者设计。
Rotary Effect
Vintage swirl with modern precision: Kuassa Efektor Rotarion faithfully reproduces the warm, swirling and exciting rotary modulation effect that defined classic recordings. Relive legendary sound with modern convenience by adjusting the width, depth, speed and intensity of rotation. Immerse your music in three-dimensional, whirlwind bliss.
具有现代精度的复古漩涡:Kuassa Efektor Rotarion忠实地再现了经典录音中温暖、漩涡和令人兴奋的旋转调制效果。通过调整旋转的宽度、深度、速度和强度,以现代的便利体验传奇般的声音。让你的音乐沉浸在立体、旋风般的幸福中。
Pitch Vibrato Effect
Reinventing the classic vibrato: Discover the soulful vibrations of vibrato with the Kuassa Efektor Vibracula. Elevate your performance with precise vibration, bringing the timeless magic of vibrato to your musical expression.
重塑经典颤音:用Kuassa Efektor Vibracula探索颤音的深情振动。通过精确的振动提升您的表演,将颤音的永恒魔力带到您的音乐表达中。
Install Efektor Modulation Too Bundle.
安装Efektor Modulation Too Bundle。
Launch Keygen
Select a plugin from the list. Omnivibe, Ringmojo, Rotarion, Vibracula
Enter your name (at least 5 letters).
Enter any fake email.
Generate license (desktop).
Open the plugin, click on the three horizontal lines and select “Import License”.
Select the required license file from your desktop.
