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[动态处理/压缩器/EQ] Acustica Audio – Maize 2023 REPACK VST, VST3, AAX x64插件形式的Authentic Markbass PP-10参数均衡器 它完全复制了Markbass备受推崇的PP10固态参数均衡器EQ的行为和声音



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发表于 2023-12-12 22:37:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Authentic Markbass PP-10 parametric equalizer in the form of a plug-in. Maize is a plugin that exactly replicates the behavior and sound of Markbass’ highly regarded PP10 solid state parametric equalizer, inspired by the sounds of classic equalizers from the 1970s and 80s, and enhanced by Acustica with the addition of features that make it even more powerful and versatile. This project marks Acustica’s collaboration with Markbass, offering the pro-audio sector a product with extraordinary qualities rarely found in equalizers on the market today.

插件形式的Authentic Markbass PP-10参数均衡器。玉米是一个插件,它完全复制了Markbass备受推崇的PP10固态参数均衡器的行为和声音,其灵感来自20世纪70年代和80年代的经典均衡器的声音,并由Acustica增强,添加了使其更加强大和通用的功能。该项目标志着Acustica与Markbass的合作,为专业音频行业提供了一种在当今市场上均衡器中罕见的非凡品质的产品。

The perfect instrument for sculpting:


Maize embodies the core features of the PP10, which is an extremely musical yet highly precise equalizer. It has 10 bands, each with 19 selectable frequencies, a gain control that adjusts cut and boost (-16 to +16 dB), and a rotary control that adjusts bell width (Q) from 0.3 to 6.0 . The last Q value is unusually high for an equalizer; The device was specifically designed to use very narrow bells, allowing subtle, surgical adjustments to be made to the frequency spectrum. Its sonic signature is very distinctive, and while it adapts extremely well to mastering, it’s at its best during the mixing stage when you’re adjusting or shaping the sounds of the instruments.


All this and much more is reproduced by Maize.


This plugin is an equalizer that audio experts would define as esoteric, as it is linear to the extremes of the range in terms of frequency response and phase. In the low range its linearity reaches almost DC! This is an equalizer with its own distinct sonic personality and enormous shaping potential. When using it, you will immediately notice how each intervention can be calibrated down to the decibel level, especially in the subtractive phase.


Acustica was so impressed with the outstanding qualities of the PP10 that it couldn’t resist the idea of ​​creating a digital version, as well as introducing some additional features that provide even greater versatility. These include control-link, MS, switchable preamps (solid-state and vacuum tube), I/O counters, band activation buttons, and oversampling options for the preamp section.


A little history:


The PP10 Stereo Equalizer was born as a prototype around 2006, thanks to Markbass’ desire to create a precision equalizer – hence the acronym PP, which stands for “Pure Precision”. To make sure they were creating something truly special, they enlisted the help of none other than Rodolfo “Foffo” Bianchi.


Bianchi is one of Italy’s greatest producers and sound engineers, who for decades helped write the most important pages of his country’s musical history. Foffo’s wealth of experience dates back to RCA’s golden years and helped Markbass create the world’s most advanced equalizer. This no-compromise hardware unit has been carefully designed, optimally engineered and assembled from the best components available.


However, the uncompromising pursuit of absolute quality led to unforeseen consequences in the development of this ambitious project. The almost prohibitive cost of production made the device difficult to obtain on the market, and Markbass had to decide whether to enter a new field – pro-audio. After weighing all their options, they decided to postpone the project to assess the potential risk on both an entrepreneurial and commercial level.


As a result, only two devices were created. One of them is still owned by the Bianchi family, and the other by the famous sound engineer Sabino Cannone. With Acustica’s development of the Maize plugin, audio engineers can finally take advantage of this superior product that is both unique and virtually unheard of in the non-digital realm.


All files were taken from the Acustica Audio release from R2R and repackaged as an installer to facilitate installation/removal and save hard drive space.

所有文件都取自R2R的Acustica Audio版本,并重新打包为安装程序,以便于安装/删除并节省硬盘空间。



[发帖际遇]: 音频效果器 发帖时在路边捡到 4 银币,偷偷放进了口袋. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜


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