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Jade 2 consists of 6 different hardware units combined into 3 equalizer emulations, 2 dynamics processors and a completely new preamp section. Jade 2 can easily be called one of the most versatile plugin sets we have ever created.
Jade 2由6个不同的硬件单元组成,组合成3个均衡器仿真、2个动态处理器和一个全新的前置放大器部分。Jade 2可以很容易地称为我们创建过的最通用的插件集之一。
Not only does it provide deep, warm and sophisticated sound, but it is also an ideal choice for adding a premium touch to your tracks. Jade adds light and air to any source (even reverb!), both during mixing and mastering.
“Magic in the Air”:
Jade 2 is easily one of the most versatile plugin suites we’ve ever created. Not only does it deliver deep, warm, sophisticated sound, but it’s also the perfect choice for adding sparkle to your tracks. Jade adds light and ” air” to any source (even reverb!), both in mixing and mastering.
Jade 2无疑是我们创建过的最通用的插件套件之一。它不仅能发出低沉、温暖、精致的声音,而且是为曲目增添光彩的完美选择。Jade为任何来源(甚至混响!)添加了光线和“空气”,无论是在混音还是母版制作中。
Jade 2 EQ – 3 selectable equalizers for final tone shaping:
Jade 2 EQ–3个可选均衡器,用于最终音调整形:
Model A is based on an American hardware unit known for its ultra-high frequency band. The original device is characterized by maximum positive +10dB gain boost for each frequency. Our emulation includes a corresponding
-10dB negative range for each frequency to offer enhanced versatility.
Model B is based on a powerful unit introduced to the market in 1994 and created in the UK.
Model B基于1994年引入市场并在英国制造的一款强大的单元。
Model C is a hybrid equalizer that combines 2 different equalizers (C1 and C2) into one processor
Jade 2 is equipped with two dynamics processors: a discrete Class A compressor (D) and a peak limiter (E). The main idea of ​​the original device was to provide transparent, musical dynamics control.
Jade 2配备了两个动态处理器:一个离散a级压缩机(D)和一个峰值限制器(E)。的主要思想​​最初的设备是提供透明的音乐动态控制。
These emulations can be activated and used individually (C/D) or simultaneously (C+D). When using both emulations at the same time, their behavior will be consistent, so the limiter module will follow the compressor module. The behavior and sound of these dynamics processors may change depending on Jade’s dynamic routing controls in the channel strip version.
Note: The Jade 2 compressor follows the improvements that have been made to all recent Acustica compressors. The overflow problem that could occur when the input signal level was too high has been resolved, and the input trimmer can now be operated even with signals close to 0 dB. The compression curve has also been extended to allow compression of very low signals.
注:Jade 2压缩机采用了对最近所有Acustica压缩机的改进。当输入信号电平过高时可能发生的溢出问题已经解决,并且输入微调器现在即使在接近0dB的信号下也可以操作。压缩曲线也被扩展以允许压缩非常低的信号。
Jade 2 Preamp: The
Jade 2 standalone preamp section includes an accurate emulation of a unique Class A mic preamp/mixer for recording engineers who require a highly flexible audio path without sacrificing audio quality.
Jade 2独立前置放大器部分包括一个独特的a类麦克风前置放大器/混频器的精确模拟,适用于需要高度灵活的音频路径而不牺牲音频质量的录音工程师。
5 preamp models (A, B, C1, C2, D) are included in the Jade channel strip, as well as the Jade 2 preamp (in the “custom” bank/category). They are based on a collection of various high-quality hardware devices whose harmonic content and frequency response are easily accessible for use in your tracks.
Jade通道带中包括5个前置放大器型号(A、B、C1、C2、D),以及Jade 2前置放大器(在“自定义”组/类别中)。它们基于各种高质量硬件设备的集合,这些设备的谐波含量和频率响应很容易在您的曲目中使用。
The preamp section also includes several preamp emulations divided into six banks (Line, Mic, Fat, Tape, Bus, Cust), as well as unique high- and low-pass filters. You’ll be amazed at the endless variety of tones Jade has to offer for your mix.
