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Audio Guru Greg Wells’ signature compressor plugin:
音频大师Greg Wells的签名压缩器插件:
Greg Wells is one of the most talented and respected engineers in the music industry. He has worked with many world performers, including Katy Perry, Keith Urban, Adele, Mayer Hawthorne, Grace VanderWaal, Ariana Grande, Kelly Clarkson, Pharell Williams, Dua Lipa, Deftones, Twenty-One Pilots, OneRepublic, Aerosmith, Burt Bacharach, Celine Dion and many others.
Greg Wells是音乐界最有才华、最受尊敬的工程师之一。他曾与许多世界表演者合作,包括凯蒂·佩里、凯斯·厄本、阿黛尔、梅耶·霍桑、格蕾丝·范德瓦尔、阿里安娜·格兰德、凯莉·克拉克森、法瑞尔·威廉姆斯、杜娅·利帕、Deftones、二十一飞行员、OneRepublic、Aerosmith、伯特·巴查拉赫、席琳·迪翁等。
Take Greg Wells. Then take one of the best, most musical-sounding analog tube compressors and add a little voodoo to expand its capabilities, gradually turning it into something extraordinary through a process of artistic experimentation and technological innovation.
Now put these two components together. This alchemical process resulted in the creation of the innovative El Rey plugin.
现在把这两个组件放在一起。这个炼金过程产生了创新的El Rey插件。
Vintage DNA:
El Rey 2 brings ultra-smooth, velvety and unprecedented musical compression to the digital realm. Acustica Audio’s technological innovation and esoteric approach have brought the sonic soul of this unit from its original hardware into a world dominated by DAW-based studios. It is now ready to use in your sessions. Give your work an articulate, analog tone that’s hard to find anywhere else.
El Rey 2为数字领域带来了超流畅、天鹅绒般的前所未有的音乐压缩。Acustica Audio的技术创新和深奥的方法将该单元的声音灵魂从其原始硬件带入了一个由DAW工作室主导的世界。它现在可以在您的会话中使用了。给你的作品一个清晰的、类似的音调,这在其他地方很难找到。
Signature Presets from the Industry’s Top Pros:
El Rey 2 includes signature presets from Grammy Award-winning audio engineers Dave Pensado, Joe Chicarelli, Serban Ghenea, Jason Evigan, David Kalmuski, Alan Meyerson, Mark “Spike” Stent, Busby and Mark Rubel. and have a multi-platinum certificate. Collectively, their albums are so extensive that listing them would take forever.
El Rey 2包括格莱美奖获奖音频工程师Dave Penado、Joe Chicarelli、Serban Ghenea、Jason Evigan、David Kalmuski、Alan Meyerson、Mark“Spike”Stent、Busby和Mark Rubel的签名预设。并拥有多白金证书。总的来说,他们的专辑内容如此广泛,以至于上市需要很长时间。
We’ve taken El Rey 2 to a whole new level, adding powerful new tools to improve performance and sound quality. As of this release (B), El Rey has evolved into a set of plugins called El Rey 2, which now includes two separate instruments, so please say hello to the new entry – El Rey 2 Stereo.
我们将El Rey 2提升到了一个全新的水平,添加了强大的新工具来提高性能和音质。截至本次发布(B),El Rey已经发展成为一组名为El Rey 2的插件,现在它包括两个独立的乐器,所以请向新条目——El Rey 2-立体声问好。
Extremely detailed graphics, guaranteeing the best experience and ease of use compared to the standard version.
Introduction of new controls such as Left-Right/Mid-Side, Control Link, Stereo Link, De-Bumpify.
Various plugin optimizations.
