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WIN格式: | VST3 AAX WIN(64位) |
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容量: | 353M |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Virtual Equalizer, Kush Audio has released Omega Transformers, two virtual-analog, coloring plug-ins. If you have a track that needs more atmosphere, more color, and less fast, harsh transients, then the Omega Transformer is the right choice.
虚拟均衡器,Kush音频发布了欧米茄变压器,两个虚拟模拟,着色插件。如果你有一条赛道需要更多的氛围、更多的颜色和更少的快速、苛刻的瞬态,那么Omega Transformer是正确的选择。
Transformer plugins add analog character to loops, virtual instruments, and sounds. They are easy to use – just turn the dial and a wonderful, distinctive aroma will be released.
As a result, processed tracks mix easier, sound sweeter, give EQs more charisma to extract, and feed compressors a rounder, punchier transient. The result is a truly magical transformation.
All exe files are from R2R with the exception of Novatron v1.1.0, it is from RET.
所有exe文件都来自R2R,除了Novatron v1.0.0,它来自RET。
I made a single one-click installer for all VST2, VST3 and AAX plugins.
Select what you need and wait for the complete installation.
If you do not need all the plugins, go to the installer folder and select what you need and install.

1Kush Audio – Q 632 v1.0.0 VST3, AAX x64 独特的EQ效果器 第一款使用Magpha DSP EQ的Kush产品 增加了扩展的增益范围、更新的预设管理器和Apple Silicon兼容性
2单声道并行均衡器Kush Audio – Clariphonic DSP MKII 1.3.0 VST, VST3, AAX音频处理
3多重级联饱和、6波段均衡器和主控级压缩器Kush Audio – Blyss v1.0.1 VST, AAX
4Kush Audio – LG Drive v1.0.0 个2级管饱和 VST, VST3, AAX x64它在大幅加厚和填充弱音鼓、提升和理顺枯燥、叛逆的人声、为沉闷的低音增添清晰度和清晰度方面可以与EQ匹敌
5kush audio silika v1.1 win 老式压缩机 VST效果器音频处理插件
6kush audio electra dsp v1.6 win 专业EQ效果器
7kush audio novatron v1.1 win 模拟模型的压缩机
8Kush Audio Hammer DSP v1.1低频饱和效果器插件VST,VST3,AAX,WIN32,WIN64
9Kush Audio – Omega 458A 1.0.7 VST, AAX x64电子管激励效果器免费下载唱歌音频效果
10kush audio reddi v1.0.3 win 压缩效果器,VST音频插件,音乐后期处理
11kush audio omega transformer model twk v1.1 win 晶体管模拟硬缩效果器VST,VST3
12kush audio omega n v1.1 win 激励放大效果器VST音频插件免费下载卡拉OK效果器.VST,VST3
13kush audio omega a v1.1 win 复古放大器激励器VST,VST3
14kush audio ubk-1 v1.5.3 win 重新塑造音色的压缩效果器
15kush audio pusher v1.1.2 win 二级管复古压缩效果器
16kush audio ar-1 v1.0.7动态模拟压缩效果器
17kush audio goldplate v1.0.2 win 平板混响效果器