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The new updated Esspresso v1.2 is the ultimate de-essing solution for anyone involved in audio recording, boasting a brand-new interface that’s both sleek and user-friendly. In almost all modern audio production, the menace of sibilance (those pesky high-frequency noises) has long troubled creators, engineers and producers. For instance, achieving a pristine vocal tone and fine-tuning the EQ can turn into a daunting task when the ‘s’:s distort and throw your mix off balance.
最新更新的Esspresso v1.2是任何参与录音的人的终极减压解决方案,拥有时尚且用户友好的全新界面。在几乎所有的现代音频制作中,嘶嘶声(那些讨厌的高频噪音)的威胁一直困扰着创作者、工程师和制作人。例如,当s失真并使你的混音失去平衡时,实现一个原始的音调和微调EQ可能会变成一项艰巨的任务。
A powerful de-esser with an intuitive workflow
Esspresso’s brilliance lies in its unique approach. Unlike many conventional de-essers, it decouples the detection frequency range from the suppressor’s frequency range. This means you can pinpoint and compress specific frequencies, a feature highly coveted by professional sound engineers. With its lightning-fast and pinpoint-precise frequency response display, Esspresso places total control over those annoying S-sounds firmly in your hands, ensuring that they no longer threaten the integrity of your mix. To get you started, Esspresso v1.2 also includes a collection of presets to start from. A new addition is also a timeline view, giving full control of what’s happening.
Esspresso的卓越之处在于其独特的方法。与许多传统的去噪器不同,它将检测频率范围与抑制器的频率范围解耦。这意味着你可以精确定位和压缩特定的频率,这是专业音响工程师梦寐以求的功能。Esspresso拥有闪电般快速、精确的频率响应显示,可以完全控制那些烦人的S音,确保它们不再威胁您混音的完整性。为了让您开始使用,Esspresso v1.2还包括一系列预设。一个新的添加也是一个时间轴视图,可以完全控制正在发生的事情。
Esspresso Features
Visual reduction RMS
Visual detector RMS
Detector sensitivity gain
Solo switch for the detector signal
v1.2 Four suppressor modes (link, wide, shelf and band)
Intuitive and unique user interface
v1.2 Threshold & ratio control
v1.2 Attack & release controls
v1.2 Timeline view
v1.2 Collection of presets
