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The Sonoris Mastering Equalizer is a parametric equalizer in VST, VST3, AU and AAX format for Windows and Mac. It has selectable linear phase or minimum phase operation per band. The plugin is suitable for mixing and especially mastering and features 7 bands, including lowpass, highpass, peaking and shelving filters.
Sonoris Mastering均衡器是一款适用于Windows和Mac的VST、VST3、AU和AAX格式的参数均衡器。它具有可选择的线性相位或每个频带的最小相位操作。该插件适用于混合,尤其是母版,具有7个波段,包括低通、高通、峰值和搁置滤波器。
The Sonoris Mastering Equalizer can be used to enhance or correct difficult material like vocal or instrumental soloists and groups, orchestral recordings and complex mixes, without introducing any unwanted coloring. The linear phase implementation of the plugin ensures a transparent character and just boosts or cuts a frequency range without adding a “sound”. It doesn’t smear transients or create mud, nor does it alter the imaging and depth information of the original sound. This way it is possible to boost or cut more than with a conventional equalizer without any of these negative side effects.
Sonoris Mastering均衡器可用于增强或纠正困难的材料,如声乐或器乐独奏者和团体、管弦乐录音和复杂混音,而不会引入任何不必要的色彩。该插件的线性相位实现确保了一个透明的字符,并且只增加或减少了一个频率范围,而不添加“声音”。它不会弄脏瞬态或产生泥浆,也不会改变原始声音的成像和深度信息。通过这种方式,可以在没有任何负面副作用的情况下,比传统均衡器提高或降低更多。
Backward-forward filtering
The linear phase algorithm of the Sonoris Mastering Equalizer is based on a technique called ‘backward-forward filtering’, until now only implemented in some expensive high end equalizers. The main advantage of this technique is that IIR filters can be used instead of FIR filters, the latter is commonly found in linear phase implementations. IIR filters are known for their more analog kind of filtering and are also more efficient than FIR filters. The filters used in the Sonoris Mastering Equalizer are actually the same as in the Sonoris Equalizer and also have correct gain up to Nyquist.
Sonoris Mastering均衡器的线性相位算法基于一种名为“前向后向滤波”的技术,迄今为止仅在一些昂贵的高端均衡器中实现。这种技术的主要优点是可以使用IIR滤波器来代替FIR滤波器,后者通常在线性相位实现中存在。IIR滤波器以其更模拟的滤波类型而闻名,并且也比FIR滤波器更有效。Sonoris Mastering均衡器中使用的滤波器实际上与Sonoris均衡器中的滤波器相同,并且具有高达奈奎斯特的正确增益。
Sonoris Mastering Equalizer Features
Sonoris Mastering均衡器功能
7 band parametric equalizer
Selectable linear phase or minimum phase operation per band
Lowpass and highpass filters up to 48 dB/octave
低通和高通滤波器,高达48 dB/倍频程
Peaking and shelving filters
Stereo, L, R or MS processing and monitoring
No pre-warping effects, that is, correct response up to Nyquist
2x, 4x, 8x or auto upsampling for an even more accurate response
Soft Engage technology to prevent switching noise
Soft Engage技术可防止开关噪音
A/B comparison
Large graphical display
Spectrum analyser
Three zoom levels
Scalable user interface
High resolution level meter
Full automation possible
Mousewheel support
Settings can be saved and loaded
Double precision internal resolution and interfacing with compatible DAWs
