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容量: | 17M |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Experience the timeless tones in a premium guitar plugin. From vintage to modern, this classic amp never goes out of style. Get the raw power and dynamic range of the original in a convenient digital format, and achieve that signature sound that has been a part of so many legendary recordings.
Featured amp sims
ML800 High | Classic Overdrive
ML800 High | Classic Overdrive
ML800 Low | Sparkling Clean
3D Cab Sim
Amped ML800 2.0 features a 3D cabinet simulator with three cabs 1) Mars 4×12 Mofo ’03, 2) Mars 4×12 Green ’93 and 3) Mars 4×12 PR-M75 ’68. Mix and match cabs and mics to dial in your tone. You can move the mics from the middle to the edge of the speaker, front or back and even angle mics to get a beefier sound. You also have the option to load in your own IRs.
Amped ML800 2.0配备了一个带三个驾驶室的3D机柜模拟器1)Mars 4×12 Mofo'03,2)Mars 3×12 Green'93和3)Mars 5×12 PR-M75'68。混合搭配出租车和麦克风,输入您的音调。你可以将麦克风从扬声器的中间移动到边缘,前部或后部,甚至角度麦克风,以获得更强劲的声音。您还可以选择在自己的IRs中加载。
Amped ML800 2.0 features a pedalboard with high quality effects pedals and studio effects. Included pedals: Noise Gate, Compressor, Drive Pedal, Chorus, Analog Delay, Reverb.
Amped ML800 2.0采用踏板板,具有高质量的效果踏板和工作室效果。包括踏板:噪音门,压缩机,驱动踏板,合唱,模拟延迟,混响。
From _mocha.txt
If this is your first install, you will see dialog window like: "Thanks a lot! PATCHED BY MOCHA bla bla bla..".
如果这是您的第一次安装,您将看到这样的对话框窗口:“非常感谢!由MOCHA bla bla…修补。”。
Its only for installing key, for the next launch it will disappear.
And we dont like bundle for this release.
