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Pillar Power Amp: Simple, yet powerful, tube-driven power amp simulator
Kuassa Pillar is a power amplifier simulator that utilizes vacuum tube emulation engine to enhance and complement the Efektor Gainia series preamps. Its primary function is to amplify the volume of the guitar sound and add a desirable level of saturation before it is projected through the speaker cabinet. You can turn off the cabinet simulator and use any impulse response file of your choice.
Kuassa Pillar是一款功率放大器模拟器,利用真空管仿真引擎来增强和补充Efektor Gainia系列前置放大器。它的主要功能是放大吉他声音的音量,并在通过扬声器柜投射之前增加所需的饱和度。您可以关闭机柜模拟器并使用您选择的任何脉冲响应文件。
With an addition of the FREE Pillar Power Amp – The Ultimate Power Amp Simulator, guitarists can finally experience the rich, dynamic response that only a true tube power amp can provide. This software-based solution enhances and complements the tones of the Efektor Gainia TD, HB, and XT pedal preamps, offering an all-encompassing solution for creating studio-quality guitar sounds.
通过添加FREE Pillar功率放大器-终极功率放大器模拟器,吉他手终于可以体验到只有真正的管状功率放大器才能提供的丰富、动态的响应。这种基于软件的解决方案增强并补充了Efektor Gainia TD、HB和XT踏板前置放大器的音调,为创造录音室质量的吉他声音提供了一个包罗万象的解决方案。
Designed as a perfect complement to the Efektor Gainia series, Pillar Power Amp enhances the already impressive capabilities of the preamps, creating a seamless and immersive guitar tone solution. Not only that, but Pillar stands on its own as a versatile tool for multiple creative purposes and tube-stacking. Best of all, owners of the Efektor Gainia series are in for a treat, as the Pillar Power Amp is provided for free, automatically added to their licenses through the Kuassa Member Area.
作为Efektor Gainia系列的完美补充,Pillar Power Amp增强了前置放大器已经令人印象深刻的功能,创造了一个无缝且身临其境的吉他音调解决方案。不仅如此,Pillar还是一款多功能工具,可用于多种创意目的和管道堆叠。最棒的是,Efektor Gainia系列的所有者可以享受一次优惠,因为Pillar功率放大器是免费提供的,并通过Kuassa会员区自动添加到他们的许可证中。
Key Features:
NEW! Resizable window
NEW! Updated interface for Efektor series
Up to 8x oversampling and dry/wet knob
Straightforward single screen interface. No hidden functionality.
Available as an Amplifikation 360 module
可作为Amplifikation 360模块提供
