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[综合效果器套装] Inear Display – Plugins Bundle VST3, AU WIN.OSX x64 2023.6延迟,失真,多重效果器等效果器组成



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发表于 2023-6-3 22:50:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Founded by Thomas Hennebert in 2012, Inear Display focuses on helping musicians and sound designers explore new sonic territories , offering unique sounding plugins with intuitive interfaces.

Inear Display由Thomas Hennebert于2012年创立,专注于帮助音乐家和声音设计师探索新的声音领域,提供具有直观界面的独特声音插件。

Amalgame: A multi-effects plugin designed to simplify the creation of complex signal processing chains. Offering an intuitive workflow with easily accessible and logically laid out features, Amalgame makes it easy to change sounds beyond recognition.


Antagone: A double delay plugin designed to turn incoming sounds into buggy chaos. This is a complete redesign of the now discontinued Bucephal plugin that we released in 2012.


Cruelle: A brutal distortion plugin designed to turn sounds into screaming feedback tones and glitch artifacts. Combining an analog speed-modulated filter and an aggressive digital distortion module with adjustable shape and feedback, Cruelle lets you create wild patches quickly with an intuitive and clean user interface.


Incipit: An audio delay plug-in focused on experimentation and sound design, but it can also be used as a “traditional” delay effect, since most of the processing blocks can be left out of the signal path to focus only on the necessary elements.


Interstice: A two-band delay plug-in that aims to make it easier to create otherworldly echoes and resonance. It separates the input signal into low and high frequencies, using a resonant filter to add additional harmonics to the sound. Each band then goes through a delay with a complex feedback path consisting of a diffusion network and a damping filter. The pitch shifter can further process the signal before or after the delay to create complex overtones. The drift modulator can also affect key circuit parameters.


Litote: A granular audio effects plugin that can turn any sound into a dramatic texture. The four audio effects can be combined with the XY pad to create a wide range of variations.


Regressif: Audio plugin focused on audio degradation. Combining a multi-mode filter with the effects of distortion, downsampling and bit crushing, it can turn the most innocent sound into a wall of digital noise. Two LFO modules and an additional LFO mixer can be added to the mix to further distort your sound.


Ephemere: A percussion synthesizer that includes twelve sound generators assigned to each note of the octave. Sounds are generated using FM synthesis and can be fine-tuned with a multi-mode filter and two simple yet flexible envelope generators.





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