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To create Panstation, we started with a loose model of the venerable Drawmer M500’s panning engine, then added the counting features from the Audio & Design PanScan (probably the most famous vintage autopanner, and the “secret weapon” of many well-known producers.) The result is an autopanner plug-in that is second to none in both feature set and sound.
为了创建Panstation,我们从一个古老的Drawmer M500平移引擎的松散模型开始,然后添加了音频和设计PanScan的计数功能(可能是最著名的老式自动扫描器,也是许多知名制作人的“秘密武器”)。结果是一个在功能集和声音方面都首屈一指的自动扫描器插件。
A bare-metal rebuild of its predecessor, Panstation 2 brings Audio Damage’s classic autopan plug-in to the current age. Sporting a shiny vector-based user interface, new preset manager and external sidechain input, Panstation 2 is ready to enhance stereo images across more platforms than ever before.
Panstation 2是对其前身的裸金属重建,将Audio Damage的经典自动潘插件带到了当前时代。Panstation 2拥有闪亮的基于矢量的用户界面、新的预设管理器和外部侧链输入,可以在比以往任何时候都更多的平台上增强立体图像。
Inspired by yesteryear’s classic autopanning hardware such as the Drawmer M500 and the Audio & Design PanScan, Panstation 2 is the perfect tool to get things moving between your speakers. Various flavors of pan laws (including an exact 1:1 clone of the M500 pan law), modulation and triggering options let you choose the character that’s right for your production.
Panstation 2的灵感来自去年的经典自动播放硬件,如Drawmer M500和Audio&Design PanScan,是在扬声器之间移动的完美工具。各种口味的平移定律(包括M500平移定律的精确1:1克隆)、调制和触发选项可以让您选择适合您制作的角色。
Since Panstation 2 lets you control the phase relationship of the stereo channels’ LFOs, it can function as an autopanner, a tremolo and anything in-between. Whether you want tremolo with a hint of stereo movement, fancy circular panning effects or stereo-widening, we got you covered.
由于Panstation 2可以控制立体声声道LFO的相位关系,因此它可以用作自动播放、颤音和介于两者之间的任何东西。无论您是想要带有立体声运动、花哨的圆形平移效果还是立体声加宽的颤音,我们都会为您提供帮助。
The LFOs controlling the levels of Panstation’s output channels feature 11 modulation shapes – including all the ones available in the M500. From the graceful and smooth to the wobbly and abrupt, there are options aplenty to satisfy your desires. Perfectly in sync with your DAW, or free-flowing and wild – the choice is yours.
Besides standard continuous operation, Panstation features an envelope generator to modulate the effect’s intensity. This envelope is triggered either when the input or sidechain audio signal cross the adjustable level threshold, or when a MIDI-note is played. Only want the effect to engage every so often? Use the count control inspired by A&D’s PanScan to tweak the triggering behavior and decide how many triggers are required to start panning.
Various Panning Laws: Four characteristics including an exact 1:1 clone of the M500 pan law.
Optional Input Channel Summing: Downmix stereo input to mono before processing.
Low Frequency Oscillators: Free-running or host-synced modulation with eleven panning/tremolo waveforms including all the waveforms shapes in the M500.
Triggered Operation: Audio-level trigger with threshold control or MIDI note trigger to modulate the effect’s intensity via dedicated, adjustable envelope generator.
MIDI Control: Use MIDI note number or CC control to control panning.
Fine-grained Modulation Controls: Modulation depth, LFO time offset between left and right channel, global LFO phase to shift waveform starting positions, bias weight modulation of stereo channels, LFO rate in Hz or fraction of musical measure
Fully Resizable Hi-DPI GUI: Panstation 2’s vector-based GUI is resolution-agnostic, and displays the same on every system and resolution. Easily resize the UI (per instance) to match your visual needs, from postage stamp to poster-sized.
完全可调整大小的高DPI GUI:Panstation 2的基于矢量的GUI与分辨率无关,在每个系统和分辨率上都显示相同的内容。轻松调整UI大小(每个实例)以满足您的视觉需求,从邮票到海报大小。
Cross-Platform Preset Format: Panstation 2 utilizes an XML-based preset manager. Work between multiple systems without troubles, make a preset on your desktop machine and paste it to the iOS version with Handoff, easily share your creations with your friends, or make a preset bundle to sell.
跨平台预设格式:Panstation 2使用基于XML的预设管理器。在多个系统之间毫无问题地工作,在您的台式机上制作预设并使用Handoff将其粘贴到iOS版本,轻松与朋友分享您的创作,或制作预设捆绑包进行销售。
