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Marquis Compressor is a “universal” compressor AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. You’ll find a very smooth compression performance in this compressor, coupled with a harmonically-rich sound, both suitable for mixing and mastering. Being “universal” this compressor can be used on a wide range of sound material: individual tracks, stems and mixes, producing “clean” or “colored” sound.
Marquis Compressor是一款适用于专业声音和音乐制作应用程序的“通用”压缩程序AAX、AudioUnit和VST插件。你会发现这款压缩器具有非常流畅的压缩性能,再加上和声丰富的声音,既适合混音,也适合母盘制作。由于“通用”,这种压缩器可以用于各种声音材料:单独的音轨、词干和混音,产生“干净”或“有色”的声音。
Marquis Compressor plugin was built around a tube triode-modeled amplifier cascade. At low Drive settings this cascade produces a mild harmonic coloration while at higher Drive settings you can get a brutal tube saturation which works great for drums, bass and vocals. At moderate Drive settings this cascade can add a pleasant grit to the mix.
Marquis Compressor插件是围绕一个管三极管模型放大器级联构建的。在较低的驱动设置下,这种级联会产生温和的谐波颜色,而在较高的驱动设置中,你可以获得残酷的管饱和,这对鼓、低音和人声都很有效。在适当的驱动设置下,这种级联可以为混合物添加令人愉快的砂砾。
Marquis Compressor features a unique “round” signal level detection algorithm, which creates a very open, punchy, compressed sound with an impressive transient response. Beside this, Marquis Compressor offers a classic feedback (opto) compression mode switchable to a more common feed-forward compression.
Marquis Compressor采用独特的“圆形”信号电平检测算法,可产生非常开放、有力的压缩声音,并具有令人印象深刻的瞬态响应。除此之外,马奎斯压缩机提供了一种经典的反馈(光)压缩模式,可切换到更常见的前馈压缩。
Marquis Compressor carries 3 distinctive compression algorithms, one of them (T3) being modeled after a classic analog compressor. The Gate algorithm is also available which is handy at reducing drum bleed in drum tracks.
