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MORPH 2 is a real-time plug-in for structural audio morphing, the sonic equivalent of one object slowly changing its shape to become a different object – for example, one face becoming another. Super-charged with a selection of 5 different morphing algorithms, a stunningly clean formant shifter as well as a lush reverb that seems to extend sounds much like some highly revered vintage hardware boxes, MORPH 2 opens up a whole new universe of sounds to explore. Create seamless morphing transitions, new hybrid sounds that combine aspects of existing ones, physically impossible instruments, the furthest-out creature and robot voices, talkbox-esque effects and other outrageously unique new sounds. Whether you’re a sound designer for film or games looking for that signature sound, or a music producer or remix artist wanting to create new content from existing recordings…look no further, MORPH is for you!
MORPH 2是一个用于结构音频变形的实时插件,相当于一个物体慢慢改变形状变成另一个物体——例如,一张脸变成另一张脸。MORPH 2拥有5种不同的变形算法,一个干净的共振峰移位器,以及一个丰富的混响,似乎可以扩展声音,就像一些备受尊敬的老式硬件盒一样,它为探索开辟了一个全新的声音世界。创造无缝的变形过渡,结合现有声音的新混合声音,物理上不可能的乐器,最遥远的生物和机器人声音,talkbox式效果和其他极其独特的新声音。无论你是电影或游戏的声音设计师,还是想要从现有录音中创建新内容的音乐制作人或混音艺术家,都在寻找这种标志性的声音…别再看了,MORPH适合你!
MORPH takes two input signals, A and B, and creates a new sound or transition that has characteristics of both – like a circle gradually turning into a square. Singing guitars, dogs that speak, or cymbals made out of mains hum – the choices are endless. MORPH computes two separate morphing transitions from A and B simultaneously, one starting out at A and shaping it to become B, the other starting out at B and shaping it to become A. The two sound completely different. Additionally, you can crossfade between the two for even more sonic options. All this is achieved using a single two-dimensional “X/Y” control, and completely in real-time – insert plugin, set up routing, go!
A Whole New Universe Of Sounds. A Multi-Verse, Actually.
MORPH 2.0 features not one but three different morphing algorithms, two of which have additional low-latency versions with their own distinct sonic character, for a total of 5 different flavors of sound hybridization goodness (considering that A-to-B and B-to-A sound different, it’s effectively even 10 flavors…). Add to that the brand-new Amplitude Sensitivity, Complexity and Formant Shift parameters and you’ll never run out of unique new sounds.
MORPH 2.0的特点不是一种,而是三种不同的变形算法,其中两种具有额外的低延迟版本,具有自己独特的声音特征,总共有5种不同的声音混合效果(考虑到a-to-B和B-to-a听起来不同,实际上甚至有10种味道…)。再加上全新的振幅灵敏度、复杂性和Formant Shift参数,你永远不会用完独特的新声音。
FORMANTS, Not Just Formants.
Speaking of the MORPH 2 formant shifter…it is – quite simply – stunningly good. Whether you use it on voice, drums, instruments or SFX captured in the field – it always sounds natural and focused, preserving all your sound’s detail, without introducing any of the granular or “spectral blurring” artifacts associated with traditional approaches to formant shifting. If you’re reading this, most likely you are a discerning audio connoisseur, and thus most likely you’ll fall in love with the MORPH 2 formant shifter the first time you hear it!
说到MORPH 2共振峰移位器……很简单,它非常好。无论你是在人声、鼓、乐器还是现场拍摄的SFX上使用它,它都听起来自然而专注,保留了你声音的所有细节,而不会引入任何与传统共振峰移动方法相关的颗粒或“光谱模糊”伪影。如果你正在阅读这篇文章,你很可能是一个有眼光的音频鉴赏家,因此你很可能会在第一次听到MORPH 2共振峰移位器时爱上它!
Impossible Mathematics, Easier Than Pie
Because of its pretty-much-one-control approach, using MORPH is a breeze. That said, it does some very heavy mathematical lifting under the hood. While the term “audio morphing” is widely used, what it typically describes is a simple interpolation of parameter values or spectral data. MORPH takes an entirely different approach, which is both mathematically a lot more complex and at the same time gives totally unique results. As an analogy, it creates wire-frame models for the two inputs in real-time, and then shapes one model to become the other – transforming one sound into the other structurally. Talk about sound transformation power at your fingertips…
