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[其它效果] Raising Jake Studios True Mid/Side 1.4个独特的插件,可以从立体声混音中提取真实的幻影中心和真实的立体声侧信号VST.VST3,AAX,WIN.MAC



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发表于 2023-5-2 09:51:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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True Mid/Side is a unique plugin that extracts the true phantom center and true STEREO side signals from a stereo mix.

True Mid/Side是一个独特的插件,可以从立体声混音中提取真实的幻影中心和真实的立体声侧信号。

Traditional “Mid/Side” processing is often a misnomer for what is technically “sum and difference” processing. In this traditional approach the “Mid” output is simply the mono sum of left and right (L+R) while the “side” output is the mono difference of left and right (L-R). Any signals panned hard left or hard right – which are actually pure “side” signals – will appear in both the Mid and Side outputs. Meanwhile, the “Side” output is a mono mix containing both the left and right sides. This is not how we hear stereo!


“True Mid/Side” actually separates the phantom center (what we hear in the middle of a stereo mix) from the stereo side signals. The stereo Side signals are separated to their respective Left and Right sides. All three resultant signals (Left-Center-Right) can be controlled independently. Signals panned to the center of the stereo mix (the “Phantom Center”) emerge ONLY in the Middle/Center output while signals hard-panned Left/Right in the stereo mix emerge ONLY in the Side outputs (and on the same side they appear in the stereo mix).

“True Mid/Side”实际上将幻影中心(我们在立体声混音中听到的)与立体声侧信号分开。立体声侧边信号被分离到它们各自的左侧和右侧。所有三个合成信号(左-中-右)都可以独立控制。平移到立体声混音中心的信号(“幻影中心”)仅出现在中/中输出中,而立体声混音中的硬屏左/右信号仅出现在侧输出中(它们出现在立体声混音的同一侧)。

True Mid/Side can be used to extract and render Middle/Center and Side stems from a stereo track or bus and can also be used in effects inserts and sends in your DAW during mixing and mastering for the ultimate stereo field FX and control. All outputs are directly usable – latency compensated and linear phase – and do not require re-encoding back to stereo. Also included is a “Spread” control that allows selection of the depth of the separation algorithm while multiple output pins are provided for DAWs that can support plugins with multiple I/O pins.

True Mid/Side可用于从立体声音轨或总线中提取和渲染Middle/Center和Side词干,也可用于效果插入,并在混音和母版制作期间发送到DAW中,以获得最终的立体声场FX和控制。所有输出都可以直接使用——延迟补偿和线性相位——并且不需要重新编码回立体声。还包括一个“Spread”控件,该控件允许选择分离算法的深度,同时为DAW提供多个输出引脚,DAW可以支持具有多个I/O引脚的插件。

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yMgdIDRJphMB2j2docqbkg  



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