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Nembrini Audio was born in 2019 thanks to the experience of Igor Nembrini, who has been creating some of the most famous guitar amplifier plug-ins for well-known companies on the market for over ten years.
Nembrini Audio诞生于2019年,得益于Igor Nembrini的经验,他十多年来一直在为市场上的知名公司创建一些最著名的吉他放大器插件。
Nembrini Audio specializes in the digital reproduction of analog saturation circuits using its own patented hybrid technology and Igor Nembrini’s experience as a professional session musician and demonstrator.
Nembrini Audio专门使用自己的专利混合技术和Igor Nembrini作为专业会议音乐家和演示者的经验,对模拟饱和电路进行数字再现。
Emulations begin with accurate digital reproduction of analog circuits, the dynamic behavior of each component being carefully modeled and fine-tuned by ear to achieve the highest fidelity of the original sound and the most musical and creamy analog tone in the digital world that only a musician can achieve.
Description of included plugins
EK Edstortion Bundle v1.0.5 :
Like the original famous Eddie Kramer Edstortion-Pedal from F-Pedals, the plugin has 3 modes of classic distortion based on Eddie Kramer’s legendary work with Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Traffic and many others.
与F-Pedals最初著名的Eddie Kramer Edstorion Pedal一样,该插件有3种经典失真模式,基于Eddie Cramer与吉米·亨德里克斯、齐柏林飞艇、滚石乐队、披头士乐队、Traffic和许多其他人的传奇作品。
EK Phazevibe Bundle v1.0.3 :
EK Phazevibe捆绑包v1.0.3:
F-Pedals Eddie Kramer+Phazevibe Bundle is very unique as it is not a clone of anything else.
F-Pedals Eddie Kramer+Phazevibe捆绑包非常独特,因为它不是其他任何东西的克隆。
FA Echobandit Bundle v1.0.3 :
FA Echobandit捆绑包v1.0.3:
Modeled after the original Echobandit by F-Pedals, a combination of gold and silver editions with some extra features.
8180 v1.0.4 :
8180 v1.0.4版本:
The 8180 Monster Tube Guitar Amplifier is the benchmark for heavy and rock guitar sounds. If you’re looking for a modern and rich high-gain tone perfect for the most aggressive rock and metal genres, then your search ends here!
8180 Monster Tube吉他放大器是重吉他和摇滚吉他声音的基准。如果你正在寻找一种现代而丰富的高增益音调,非常适合最具侵略性的摇滚和金属流派,那么你的搜索到此结束!
Acoustic Voice v1.0.1 :
Based on creative techniques developed by studio engineers and producers, the Accoustic-Voice preamp plug-in combines guitar simulation, studio preamps and microphones, modulation, delay and reverb to create the most advanced acoustic soundscapes.
acoustic Voice前置放大器插件基于录音室工程师和制作人开发的创造性技术,将吉他模拟、录音室前置放大器和麦克风、调制、延迟和混响相结合,创造出最先进的声学声景。
Analog Rack Bundle v2.0.6 :
Nembrini Audio has taken the analog and digital effects pedals most favored by guitarists and repackaged them into new rack-style plug-ins that are easy to use and extremely powerful at the same time, with the addition of a proprietary virtual tube preamp circuit that colorizes the signal in a very special way.
Nembrini Audio采用了吉他手最喜欢的模拟和数字效果踏板,并将它们重新包装成新的机架式插件,这些插件易于使用,同时功能强大,还添加了一个专有的虚拟管前置放大器电路,以一种非常特殊的方式对信号进行着色。
Bass Driver v1.0.0 :
A SansAmp Bas-Driver DI* based 3-band overdrive/amp simulator, with parametric crossovers to dramatically change the tone of the bass guitar and achieve modern balance and texture.
一个基于SansAmp Bas Driver DI*的3波段过驱动/放大器模拟器,具有参数交叉,可以显著改变低音吉他的音调,并实现现代平衡和质感。
Blackice Beta Gamma v1.0.3 :
Blackice Beta Gamma v1.0.3版本:
Darkglass Alpha Omega 900* based bass head with virtual recording chain worthy of the best recording studios.
基于Darkglass Alpha Omega 900*的低音头,具有值得最好的录音室使用的虚拟录音链。
BST100 V2 v1.0.2 :
BST100 V2 v1.0.2版本:
Introduced in 1987, this iconic amp has found a place in every genre of setup, from screaming metal to pop.
Cali Dual v1.0.5 :
Cali Dual v1.0.5版本:
Three Channel Guitar Amplifier 100 watt head can work from the purest clean sounds to an incredible amplification wall crushing. It is modeled after the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier. Cali Reverb v1.0.7 : The Modern High Gain Amplifier plugin is modeled after a 50W Mesa Boogie Rectoweb head.
三通道吉他放大器100瓦的头可以从最纯净的干净声音到令人难以置信的放大效果。它以Mesa Boogie双整流器为模型。Cali Reverb v1.0.7:现代高增益放大器插件以50W Mesa Boogie Rectoweb头为模型。
Delay3000 v1.2.2 :
延迟3000 v1.2.2:
Inspired by the Roland SDE-3000 rack rack* and Strymon Timeline, the DELAY-3000 Vintage Modern Repeater adds new features and an easy-to-use user interface, putting a full arsenal of delay effects at your fingertips! Doubler v1.0.0 : Designed to enhance a guitar, vocal or polyphonic instrument with a natural doubling effect, adding richness and depth. EN Hardball v1.0.0 : Pure, uncompromising metal amplifier plugin. This is the way of modern metal! But EN Hardball also produces crystal clear Clean tones, crunchy Crunch, tight solo sounds and everything in between. Faceman v1.0.1 : Based on a vintage 1967 “blackface” Fender Bassman with a rare 1×15 cabinet and JBL D130F speaker provided by Rock ‘n’ Vintage musical instruments.
受Roland SDE-3000机架*和Strymon Timeline的启发,DELAY-3000复古现代中继器增加了新功能和易于使用的用户界面,让您触手可及的延迟效果!Doubler v1.0.0:旨在增强吉他、人声或复调乐器的自然加倍效果,增加丰富性和深度。EN Hardball v1.0.0:纯粹、毫不妥协的金属放大器插件。这就是现代金属的方式!但EN Hardball也能产生清晰的Clean音调、松脆的Crunch、紧凑的独奏声以及介于两者之间的一切。Faceman v1.0.1:基于1967年的复古“黑脸”Fender Bassman,配有罕见的1×15橱柜和JBL D130F扬声器,由摇滚复古乐器提供。
Hivolt 103 v1.0.1 : Based on a vintage 1970 Hiwatt* DR103 with original Partridge transformer and point-to-point military wiring, provided by Rock ‘n’ Vintage musical instruments.
Hivolt 103 v1.0.1:基于1970年的经典Hiwatt*DR103,带有原始的Partridge变压器和点对点军事布线,由Rock‘n’vintage乐器提供。
IR Loader v1.0.1 : An innovative and complete impulse response loader specially designed to load your favorite cabinet IRs.
IR Loader v1.0.1:一款创新且完整的脉冲响应加载程序,专为加载您喜爱的机柜IR而设计。
JMP Pro v1.0.1 : Based on the Marshall JMP1* preamp, it delivers pure tone to each of four uniquely sounded channels OD1, OD2, Clean1 and Clean2.
JMP Pro v1.0.1:基于Marshall JMP1*前置放大器,它为四个声音独特的通道OD1、OD2、Clean1和Clean2中的每一个提供纯音。
LoFi v2.0.1: The Vintage Clipper plugin is designed to add grain and heaviness to your mix with two distinctive custom-designed saturation algorithms.
LoFi v2.0.1:Vintage Clipper插件旨在通过两种独特的定制饱和算法为您的混合添加颗粒和厚重感。
MP1 Pro v1.0.1 : The ADA-based MP1* preamp features Tri-State Voicing, allowing you to choose between Distortion Tube, Clean Tube and Solid State virtual circuits.
MP1 Pro v1.0.1:基于ADA的MP1*前置放大器具有三态Voicing功能,允许您在失真管、清洁管和固态虚拟电路之间进行选择。
MRH159 v1.0.1 : A guitar amp modeled after a vintage Marshall Super Lead 1959* 100W, one of the most famous amps in history. The Super Lead 100W on two 4×12 cabs is still the ideal rock setup for many players.
MRH159 v1.0.1:一个吉他放大器,模仿了历史上最著名的放大器之一,老式马歇尔超级铅1959*100W。两个4×12驾驶室上的Super Lead 100W仍然是许多玩家的理想摇滚设置。
MRH810 V2 v1.0.2 : Modeled after Marshall JCM800 2210. This legendary head is one of the most iconic amps in rock history. Overdrive Special v1.0.0 : Based on OverdriveSpecial By Dumble #124. This is a two-channel amplifier that includes a clean channel and an overdrive channel.
MRH810 V2 v1.0.2:以马歇尔JCM800 2210为模型。这个传说中的头像是摇滚史上最具标志性的头像之一。Overdrive Special v1.0.0:基于OverdriveSpecial By Dumble#124。这是一个双通道放大器,包括一个干净通道和一个过驱动通道。
Plugin Rig v1.2.2 : This is the perfect environment for the modern guitar player who wants to create and organize their entire chain of guitar amps and Fx in one plugin.
Plugin Rig v1.2.2:对于想要在一个插件中创建和组织整个吉他放大器和Fx链的现代吉他手来说,这是一个完美的环境。
PSA1000 Bundle v1.2.5 : A modern recreation of the classic 90s analog guitar preamp used in recording studios around the world!
PSA1000 Bundle v1.2.5:世界各地录音室使用的90年代经典模拟吉他前置放大器的现代再现!
Quinta v1.0.3 : The Pitch Machine plugin is more than a standard octave as it not only gives you notes an octave up and an octave down, but also a fifth up.
Quinta v1.0.3:Pitch Machine插件不仅仅是一个标准的八度音阶,因为它不仅可以让你的音符向上八度和向下八度,还可以向上五度。
Sound Master v1.0.6: Modeled after a hand-built, point-to-point, 100-watt all-tube Fender Tone Master* Custom Shop head, the SoundMaster Custom Tube guitar amplifier is a tone lab plug-in capable of reproducing classic guitar sounds and more.
SoundMaster v1.0.6:SoundMaster定制管吉他放大器以手工制作的点对点100瓦全管Fender Tone Master*定制商店头为原型,是一款能够再现经典吉他声音等的音调实验室插件。
The-Boss Bundle v1.2.2 : Based on the Marshall Guv’nor* pedal, the first amp-in-a-box pedal that reproduces the tone and distortion character of famous black and gold British guitar amps.
Boss Bundle v1.2.2:基于Marshall Guv'nor*踏板,这是第一款盒装放大器踏板,再现了著名的黑色和金色英国吉他放大器的音调和失真特性。
Voice DC30 v1.0.3 : Modeled after the vintage VOX AC30 Top Boost Reverb, characterized by its “ringy” high-frequency sound, which is widely acclaimed by British musicians and others.
Voice DC30 v1.0.3:模仿经典的VOX AC30 Top Boost Reverb,其特点是其“环形”的高频声音,广受英国音乐家和其他人的好评。
To use the Nembrini Audio plugins in the NA Plugin Rig, you need to install the VST3 format plugins.
要在NA Plugin Rig中使用Nembrini Audio插件,您需要安装VST3格式的插件。
You also need to set the path to the VST3 plugins in the NA Plugin Rig settings.
Our installer places the VST3 plugin in “%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\VST3\Nembrini Audio”.
我们的安装程序将VST3插件放置在“%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\VST3\Nembrini Audio”中。
Demonstration Video/Audio
