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WIN格式: | VST3 AAX WIN(64位) |
MAC格式: | VST3 AAX AU |
Linux格式: | LV2 |
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其它系统格式: | 问题投诉 |
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容量: | 177M |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
P440 Sweet Spot You’ve probably heard a lot of words li
ke this about mastering: “it brings the music to life”, or “it’s the final polish that goes into something breathtaking”, or “It’s like… . magic!”. Of course, magic is in the hands of the practitioner, but surely, since all magicians wield an unassuming but infinitely powerful device that is the link between their mystical knowledge and the physical world, so does the master engineer. For the master it’s a magic wand, and for the mastering engineer it’s an equalizer.
Forget everything you’ve been taught about “high transient” frequencies below 30 Hz and welcome to Sweet Tremor that boosts subsonic frequencies! Turn down the frequencies and you end up with a richer and more open sound! Raise your frequency and you’ll end up with cotton candy in your ears! Scream in horror when you check the Plugin Doctor’s bottom shelf at 200Hz or the top shelf at 2kHz with the “stairway to heaven” graph, but then melt in your chair when you listen to it – like a lollipop on a hot summer day. Nothing makes sense… visually, but your ears tell you otherwise. The P440 Sweet Spot lets you rethink what EQ can do. P440… your mystical magic wand.
忘掉你所学到的关于30赫兹以下“高瞬态”频率的一切,欢迎使用能提高亚音速的Sweet Tremor!调低频率,你最终会得到更丰富、更开放的声音!提高你的频率,你的耳朵里就会有棉花糖!当你用“通往天堂的阶梯”图检查插件医生200赫兹的底部架子或2赫兹的顶部架子时,你会惊恐地尖叫,但当你听它说话时,它会融化在你的椅子上——就像炎热夏天的棒棒糖一样。没有什么是有意义的…从视觉上看,但你的耳朵会告诉你其他的。P440甜蜜点让你重新思考情商的作用。P440…你的神秘魔杖。
Organic hardware feel and behavior.
3-band equalizer combining fixed and proportional Q.
New tremor contour.
Individual shelving bends.
LP and HP filters with resonance.
Zero sampling delay!
Double mono behavior inside the plugin.
All parameters are displayed in your DAW for automation.
macOS: Silicon ready AU, AAX and VST3 formats.
Windows: VST3 and AAX formats.
Linux LV2 format coming soon!
Linux LV2格式即将推出!
