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容量: | 40 MB |
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下载方式: | 网盘下载 当前帖子ID:
关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Our RoughRider compressor is one of the most popular dynamics processors on the planet, with well over a half a million downloads over its decade-plus lifespan, and is in heavy daily use by producers the world over. With RoughRider3, we've expanded the original to include an external sidechain input, the ability to turn off the built-in "warming" filter (the FULL BANDWIDTH button), and much more accurate metering.
我们的RoughRider压缩机是地球上最受欢迎的动力学处理器之一,在其十多年的使用寿命内,下载量远远超过50万次,并且被世界各地的生产商大量日常使用。通过RoughRider 3,我们扩展了原有的功能,包括外部侧链输入、关闭内置“加热”过滤器(FULL BANDWITH按钮)的功能,以及更准确的测量。
With version 3, we’ve made it even more useful. We have added an external sidechain input, sidechain HPF, a “full bandwidth” switch that turns off the internal warming filters, input and output level controls, and an all-new GUI with full input, output, and gain reduction metering and graphs.
