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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Master Plan is a complete mastering workflow, with a killer loudness circuit designed for maximum ease of use and a no-compromise approach to quality: drop in, rock out. What you get:
· A crystal clear loudness circuit: ditch other limiters & compressors
· Fine-tuned analog-inspired saturation
· No-nonsense imaging and tone controls for clarity and creativity
· Fix-it buttons: de-mud the mix, remove harshness, add glue
· True physical tape emulation for vintage glow
· Auditioning emulation (mid-range speakers, mobile, mono, etc.)
· Mac Compatibility: OS 10.11 (El Capitan) or later, AAX/AU/VST3, Intel and Apple Silicon
·Mac兼容性:OS 10.11(El Capitan)或更高版本、AAX/AU/VST3、Intel和Apple Silicon
· PC Compatibility: Windows 10 or later, AAX/VST3
·PC兼容性:Windows 10或更高版本,AAX/VST3
Throw your master bus plugins in the trash 💩 🚮
把你的主总线插件扔进垃圾桶💩 🚮
Insert Master Plan 👉
Select the "Quick Master" preset 🦾 🎛
选择“快速主控”预设🦾 🎛
Turn up the "Loud" knob 🌑 📈
把“大声”旋钮调大🌑 📈
Enjoy 🎧 😩
享受🎧 😩
