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[动态处理/压缩器/EQ] Plugin Alliance Unfiltered Audio ZIP v1.4.1压缩效果器-TeamCubeadooby.VST.VST3.AAX可以提供压缩和向下扩展,只需单击鼠标即可在处理器之间切换。六种分析模式振幅、安静、亮度、黑暗、噪声和音调火花压缩或扩展



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发表于 2023-3-10 22:33:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Calling Zip a compressor is like calling a Lamborghini a passenger car. It does neither one justice. Zip creates unique effects and solves thorny audio challenges in a flash, leaving traditional compressors in the dust.


Zip can provide both compression and downward expansion, switching between processors with one mouse click. Six Analysis modes—Amplitude, Quietness, Brightness, Darkness, Noisiness and Tonalness—spark compression or expansion depending on the signal level, frequency content or noise feeding Zip’s input. On bass guitar tracks, select Darkness mode to compress headroom-eating low notes while giving higher-pitched notes room to breathe. Using Noisiness mode, you can make Zip’s compressor clamp down only on overdriven electric guitar chords while leaving palm mutes on the same track loud and proud. Solving unusual audio challenges is child’s play for Zip.


Four envelope styles—Classic, Goopy, Quick and Extreme—modify Zip’s attack and release curves, tailoring them to your specific needs. Use Extreme’s lightning-fast response on drum room mics to explode the room’s ambience while simultaneously making the kick and snare sound tighter and punchier. On full mixes, Zip’s Classic style and High Pass filtering in the sidechain will make your mix’s bottom end thunder. Or use Goopy style to add vintage glue and density. Zip has many flavors.


For producing creative effects, Zip includes Unfiltered Audio’s flagship automatable modulation system. Eight different internal modulators, as well as a patch to an external ROLI Lightpad, can be used—up to six modulators at once—on most of Zip’s controls, with each modulator routed to as many destinations as you’d like using simple drag-and-drop technique. Using the modulators, you can easily create driving rhythmic effects that pulse in time with your music—without hassling with complicated external sidechain routing. Drag the square wave LFO’s virtual cable to the expander’s Threshold control to transform a static synth pad into a dynamic staccato keyboard part synched to your song’s tempo. Animate a lifeless synth track by patching Zip’s sawtooth LFO to the compressor’s Ratio knob, creating a Big Room EDM-style ducking effect that makes the synth swell in sync with the kick drum. Route the 16th-note Step Sequencer to Zip’s output gain to turn the plugin into a punchy Trance gate. Create a classic tremolo effect by patching the sine wave LFO to Zip’s output gain. The creative possibilities are endless.

为了产生创意效果,Zip包括未过滤音频的旗舰自动调制系统。八个不同的内部调制器,以及一个外部ROLI Lightpad的补丁,可以在大多数Zip控件上同时使用多达六个调制器,每个调制器可以使用简单的拖放技术路由到任意多个目的地。使用调制器,您可以轻松创建与音乐同步的驱动节奏效果,而无需复杂的外部侧链路由。将方波LFO的虚拟电缆拖到扩展器的Threshold控件上,将静态合成键盘转换为与歌曲节奏同步的动态断奏键盘部件。通过将Zip的锯齿形LFO连接到压缩机的比率旋钮,创建一个大房间EDM风格的回避效果,使合成器与踢鼓同步膨胀,从而使无生命的合成音轨动画化。将第16个音符的Step Sequencer路由到Zip的输出增益,将插件变成一个穿孔的Trance门。通过修补正弦波LFO到Zip的输出增益,创建经典的颤音效果。创造的可能性是无限的。

For the final touch, Zip’s Color control lets you apply warm saturation, bright phase-modulated distortion, mangling bitcrushing or any of four 2-pole filters at the plugin’s output. Dial in a little bit of the vivid Contrast effect to fatten up female vocals and make drums pop. Two of Zip’s 2-pole filters are modulated by Analysis modes; use them in Noisiness mode on a synth track to make note attacks whipsaw its timbre. Patch Zip’s LFOs to the Color knob to create tempo-synched filter sweeps and pulsating distortion on guitar and keyboard tracks. Zip sculpts both dynamics and tone.


Smashing drums, supersizing vocals, and transforming a boring pad into a Trance anthem—Zip does it all!




•Full NKS (Native Kontrol Standard) Support


•Unique Analysis modes and state-of-the-art modulation system turn Zip’s compressor and expander into tools for creating riveting effects and solving difficult audio challenges


•Six Analysis modes—Amplitude, Quietness, Brightness, Darkness, Noisiness and Tonalness—make Zip’s processors react more to signal level, frequency content or noise


•Four envelope styles—Classic, Goopy, Quick and Extreme—modify Zip’s attack and release curves, providing a selection of four differently behaving compressor/expanders in one plugin


•Unfiltered Audio’s flagship patchable modulation system provides eight different internal modulators, including ROLI Lightpad integration, allowing almost any of Zip’s controls to be easily •modulated

•未过滤音频的旗舰可修补调制系统提供八种不同的内部调制器,包括ROLI Lightpad集成,使几乎所有Zip控件都能轻松•调制

•Modulators include Sine, Sawtooth/Triangle and Square LFOs; Input Follower; Macro Control; Sample and Hold Noise; Step Sequencer; ROLI Lightpad; and Gain Reduction

•调制器包括正弦、锯齿形/三角形和方形LFO;输入跟随器;宏观调控;采样和保持噪声;步骤序列器;ROLI Lightpad;和增益降低

•Continuously variable Color control provides post-dynamics processing in seven modes, respectively offering phase-modulated distortion, soft saturation, bitcrushing, and four 2-pole pass filters (two of which feature cutoffs modulated by Zip’s Analysis modes)


•Internal and external sidechains are equipped with High Pass and Low Pass filters and an Audition button for hearing the signal the detector acts on


•Controls for wet/dry mix (for parallel compression), lookahead (affecting both sidechains), switchable peak or RMS detection, and automatic makeup gain


•Informative real-time display graphically depicts the current threshold, ratio and knee, and shows multi-colored traces for sidechain, output and gain reduction levels







发表于 2023-5-6 01:25:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国贵州贵阳


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