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[民族乐器] Soundiron – Acoustic Saz (KONTAKT)5弦无伴奏土耳其乐器Saz baglama的声音采样合成器



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发表于 2023-2-20 08:10:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Acoustic Saz – offers the sound of a 5-string fretless Turkish instrument saz baglama. It sounds quite similar to a guitar, but with a peculiar oriental flavor. Various articulations and methods of sound production are presented, there is a chord generator and an automatic accompanist (strum mode).

声学Saz–提供5弦无伴奏土耳其乐器Saz baglama的声音。它听起来很像吉他,但有一种独特的东方风味。提出了各种发音和声音产生方法,有一个和弦发生器和一个自动伴奏(拨弦模式)。

Description (original):


Acoustic Saz is a deeply-sampled Turkish 5-string acoustic Saz Baglama library for Kontakt, featuring open plucks, palm mutes, string chokes, percussive effects, true legato, mic mixer, FX rack with amp modeling, auto-strumming, arpeggiator and more.

Acoustic Saz是Kontakt的一个深度采样的土耳其5弦声学Saz Baglama库,具有开放式拨弦、手掌静音、弦扼、敲击效果、真正的连奏、麦克风混音器、带放大器建模的FX机架、自动弹拨、琶音等。

Acoustic Saz is an extensively multi-sampled fretless 5-string Saz Baglama brought home from the streets of Turkey, where master craftsman have been building them by hand for centuries. Using a wide, close pair of large-diaphragm mics in a dry studio, we painstakingly sampled all three string runs (low octave, middle and high unison) with 12x round robin and up to 6 velocity layers for open notes going up 1.5 octaves per string. We also captured palm mutes, string chokes, releases and tons of percussive effects.

Acoustic Saz是从土耳其街头带回的一种广泛的多采样无音5弦Saz Baglama,数百年来,工匠们一直在手工制作。在一个干燥的录音室里,我们使用一对宽而近的大型振膜话筒,费力地用12倍循环和多达6个速度层对所有三个弦段(低八度、中和高一致)进行了采样,每个弦段的开放音符的频率为1.5八度。我们还捕捉到了棕榈树、细绳扼流圈、释放物和成吨的敲击效果。

We sampled a wide legato, or “slide” range for all three runs of strings with multiple velocity layers and 4x round robin. the Saz interface offers full control over how a note is played and which string it is played on. Hammer-on, pull-off, slide, choke and palm mute are all controlled per-string.


We’ve also included an intelligent auto-strumming system. There are special patches for creating custom tunedpercussion blends, effects, Uberpeggiator and of course ambiences. It also has a dynamic and adaptive arpeggiation system, capable of freestyle and 32-step tempo-synched humanized groove creation and chord/key constraint. The FX rack gives you access to Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Dynamics, Drive (featuring 4 different effects), 2 amp sims, 8 cabs, EQ, Filter, tempo-synched Delay and convolution Reverb with dozens of custom room and FX impulses.



[发帖际遇]: 一个袋子砸在了 音频效果器 头上,音频效果器 赚了 5 银币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜


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