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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
还记得reFX Vanguard吗?这款虚拟模拟合成器最初于2004年发布,由于其模拟风格的振荡器、多种波形、恍惚门效应、琶音和鼓舞人心的预设库,在电子舞曲制作人中非常受欢迎。synth于2016年停产,但reFX刚刚宣布Vanguard在第2版中重生,它有一个新的、更干净的用户界面、十个新的波形表、两个新的滤波器类型、新的延迟类型、全新的混响、全新的失真FX、同步LFO等。此外,还添加了136个全新的出厂预设。之前在reFX上出售的所有Vanguard扩展都包含在总共2440个预设中。
Remember reFX Vanguard? Originally released in 2004, this virtual analog synth was very popular among electronic dance music producers, thanks to its analog-style oscillators, multiple waveforms, trance-gate effect, arpeggiator and its inspiring preset library. The synth was discontinued in 2016, but reFX just announced that Vanguard is reborn in version 2, with a new, cleaner user interface, ten new wavetables, two new filter types, new delay-type, a completely new reverb, a new distortion FX, synced LFOs, etc. Also, 136 completely new factory presets have been added. And all Vanguard expansion previously sold on reFX are included for a total of 2440 presets.
reFX has revived its synth plugin legend Vanguard as Vanguard 2, including new features, a user interface overhaul, and more. Xfer Serum, Arturia Pigments 3, NI Massive XT, Vital..all known modern wavetable synthesizers that have been downloaded thousands of times. However, there are times when other plugins topped the top ten lists. One of them was the beloved Vanguard, a collaboration between reFX and German developer Markus Krause aka Tone2. Its straightforward workflow but also its ready-to-use sound quality were appreciated by many EDM producers.
reFX已将其synth插件传奇Vanguard重新命名为Vanguard 2,包括新功能、用户界面大修等。Xfer Serum、Arturia Pigments 3、NI Massive XT、Vital……所有已知的现代波形表合成器都已下载数千次。然而,也有一些时候,其他插件在前十大榜单中占据榜首。其中之一是备受喜爱的Vanguard,这是reFX和德国开发商Markus Krause aka Tone2合作的产品。它简单的工作流程以及随时可用的音质受到了许多EDM制作人的赞赏。
3-oscillator Synthesizer
Advanced Librarian
Enhanced Reverb
New Distortion FX
Ten New Wavetables
Compatible with VANGUARD1
136 completely new factory presets
