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It is, in our biased opinion of course, that Reverb plug-ins from - Rob Papen - are among the best-sounding ones on this planet!
As you may already know, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde influenced our other FX plugin called DelSane, and it was a matter of time (4th dimension) before these two guys would show up for an insane battle and.... Voila, let us introduce you to RevSane!
First and foremost, RevSane produces beautiful dense reverb sounds, musically perfect for any track!
But that is only one side of the story, or should I say face...
By using the ‘Disrupt Sphere’ you can control the flow of the reverb parameters and make the RevSane a dynamically fresh-sounding special FX.
通过使用“Disrupt Sphere”,您可以控制混响参数的流动,并使RevSane成为一个动态清新的特殊FX。
The ‘Disrupt’ parameter, with its many features, allows you to think outside of the 4th dimension by using Reverb in creative ways! Dynamically changing spaces ...without recording trillion parameters...by simply moving the ‘Disrupt Sphere-Slider’. Additionally, RevSane has an audio follower that includes side-chain control of the parameters, even for controlling the ‘Disrupt Sphere’ itself!
“Disrupt”参数具有许多功能,允许您以创造性的方式使用混响,跳出第四维度进行思考!动态改变空间……无需记录万亿参数……只需移动“中断球体滑块”。此外,RevSane有一个音频跟随器,包括参数的侧链控制,甚至用于控制“Disrupt Sphere”本身!
And no... RevSane is not only for the creative producers that love to experiment with the ‘Disrupt Sphere’, it is also for the one that seeks a top-notch dense-sounding Reverb for their productions!
不…RevSane不仅适用于那些喜欢尝试“Disrupt Sphere”的创意制作人,也适用于那些为他们的作品寻找顶级的高密度混响的制作人!
