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Bucketverb imagines an alternate history in which a rare bucket brigade delay (BBD) chip evolved into a sophisticated hardware unit perfect for ambience, lo-fi detuned decay, vocal presence, and more. Unlike standard, single-output BBD delays, analog reverbs used a special multi-tap BBD chip to create multiple simultaneous delay times. Sadly, this effect only showed up in a handful of products, before being swept out of popularity by the rise of digital reverbs.
Back in the hardware-only days, analog BBD reverbs were considered inferior to then-cutting edge digital reverbs. As Brian Eno once said, sounds that are “weird, ugly, uncomfortable” have a habit of being “cherished and emulated as soon as they can be avoided,” and so it goes with the distinct character of BBD reverb! With Bucketverb, you get the sonic signature and unique timing effects of an analog bucket brigade chip. What’s more, you get features like switchable stereo modes, including a dual-BBD Ensemble mode, which would have been prohibitively complex to achieve in hardware.
在硬件时代,模拟BBD混响被认为不如当时最先进的数字混响。正如布莱恩·伊诺(Brian Eno)曾经说过的那样,“奇怪、丑陋、不舒服”的声音有一种习惯,即“一旦可以避免,就会被珍惜和模仿”,这与BBD混响的独特特性相得益彰!使用Bucketverb,您可以获得模拟bucket旅芯片的声音特征和独特的计时效果。更重要的是,您可以获得诸如可切换立体声模式之类的功能,包括双BBD合奏模式,这在硬件上实现起来会非常复杂。
If you’re looking for unique ambience effects, give Bucketverb a try! It aggressively rolls off higher frequencies, and then feeds the signal into our custom BBD modeling. The result is dark and rich. And because of the way Bucketverb pans its six delay taps across the stereo field, it can take any mono source and give it massive left-right spread.
Give vocals a lo-fi halo that won’t swamp their presence in a mix. Mono synths and organs can easily be pushed wide into the stereo field. And drums and percussion get an extra spring in their step from the bouncy zing of rippling, cascading delays (try it on handclaps!).
