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Strings that soar, woodwinds that dance, brass that commands and a full symphony orchestra of sounds at your fingertips — all expertly performed with musical articulations for real music played by real musicians. From flowing legatos to animated pizzicatos, from aggressive spiccatos to elegant staccatos, from the most subtle pianissimo to the most triumphant fortissimo and more, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is a sweeping vision from a master artist embodied in a new virtual instrument that brings the orchestra to life. It’s not enough to just have good recordings of classical instruments. For a true symphonic experience, you need instruments performed by the absolute best musicians articulated in just the right way directed by a producer and conductor who knows the fine art of making living, breathing samples. Miroslav Vitous pioneered the concept of a complete symphonic sample library for real composers, and now he has taken it to the next level.
Ecstasy. Passion. Joy.
Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is feeling. And it's feeling that you can't get with other orchestral collections. Musicians familiar with Mirsolav Vitous' groundbreaking original library know what we're talking about. But if you've never used Miroslav Philharmonik before, let's paint a picture in your mind of the particular kind of feeling that its instruments can conjure: It's the tension and mystery filling your love story set in the French Riviera with delicate tragedy. It's the punctuation and swelling background of passion in your next tear-jerking R&B ballad. It's that added dash of symphonic brilliance that turns your goth-metal anthem into the kind of cathartic experience that tops charts.
Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is all of these things and more.
And it’s only possible because of its truly unique sound set. Unlike other libraries, its samples and sounds don't just recreate dry instruments. Instead, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 turns you into a master conductor in control of a full symphony orchestra staffed by living, breathing human beings. So when you call on an instrument to play, you won't just hear a note — you'll hear all the passion, pain, joy, suffering and excitement of the musician playing that note. And you’ll get it immediately (no processing required).
And that's why Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is such a revolutionary orchestral collection. It's a sweeping vision — in the form of an elegant and easy-to-use software workstation — from a master musician that gives you immediate access to a cathartic depth and fluidity of human musical expression that's never before been heard in a software sample collection.
Masterfully recorded by a Master
Made in collaboration with legendary jazz bassist and sampling visionary, Miroslav Vitous, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 gives you a over 58GB sound library with over 2,700 instruments sampled in glorious high-definition audio. Every instrument fits — they are made to play together and made to stand alone. There are delicate strings, colorful woodwinds and majestic brass as well as brand new concert grand piano, harpsichord, orchestral chimes, marimba, vibraphone and glockenspiel sounds plus enhanced versions of the instruments in the original library.
米罗斯拉夫·维托斯(Miroslav Vitous)与传奇爵士乐贝斯手和采样幻想家合作制作的《米罗斯拉夫爱乐乐团2》为您提供了一个超过58GB的声音库,其中有2700多件乐器在高清音频中采样。每一种乐器都适合——它们是一起演奏的,也是单独演奏的。这里有细腻的琴弦、五颜六色的木管乐器和雄伟的铜管乐器,还有全新的音乐会大钢琴、大键琴、管弦乐编钟、马林巴琴、振动琴和格洛克斯皮尔乐器,以及原图书馆中乐器的增强版。
Each of its instruments features multiple musical articulations played by real musicians with the kind of "live" feeling that only a master conductor can provoke. From flowing legatos to animated pizzicatos, from aggressive spiccatos to elegant staccatos and from the subtlest pianissimo to the most triumphant fortissimo, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 gives you the power to draw raw musical feeling and emotion from every note.
Miroslav Philharmonik 2 retains the spirit and musicality of the original Miroslav Philharmonik orchestral workstation used to produce countless major motion picture scores and compositions, and it takes the emotion and expression of the orchestral players to a new level of enlightenment, one that can only be called “magic” by it’s creator himself.
Miroslav Philharmonik 2 provides fantastic solo and ensemble string, brass, woodwind, keyboards, percussion and other instruments in stunning high-resolution sound. Its easy-to-use articulations and full spread of over 30 high-quality effects and many advanced features — derived from SampleTank 3 and T-RackS — provide unmatched sonic sculpting capability that makes it as great a choice for your next classical arrangement or film score as it is for your next hip-hop song or metal ballad. Finally, all the humanity, passion and acoustic grandeur of a real symphony orchestra is available in one convenient, affordable and easy-to-use package.
Miroslav Philharmonik 2提供了美妙的独奏和合奏弦乐、铜管乐器、木管乐器、键盘、打击乐器和其他乐器,具有令人惊叹的高分辨率声音。其易于使用的发音和超过30种高质量效果的全面传播以及许多先进功能-源自SampleTank 3和T-RackS-提供了无与伦比的声音雕刻能力,使其成为您下一个经典编曲或电影配乐的绝佳选择,就像您下一首嘻哈歌曲或金属民谣一样。最后,真正的交响乐团的所有人性、激情和音质都在一个方便、实惠和易于使用的包中。
Spectacular sound
Compelling output requires spectacular input, and Miroslav Philharmonik 2 delivers in grand style. Miroslav Philharmonik 2 offers a massive range of instruments that have each been recorded with jaw dropping level of detail. Its solo and ensemble instruments come with a treasure chest full of useful articulations that go far beyond the sta
令人信服的输出需要惊人的投入,而米罗斯拉夫·爱乐乐团2以宏伟的风格交付。Miroslav Philharmonik 2提供了大量的乐器,每一种都以惊人的细节记录下来。它的独奏和合奏乐器都配有一个宝箱,里面装满了有用的发音,远远超出了sta的范围
