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Presonus为其DAW Studio One 6提供的一组附加效果插件。
A set of additional effect plugins from Presonus for their DAW Studio One 6.
PreSonus Ampire High Density Pack v1.0.2 Drop your horns and protect your ears, the Ampire High Density Pack includes three iconic amps and six stompbox effects – all lovingly recreated with state-space simulation. You also get three accompanying impulse response cabinets modeled after iconic models. This Ampire add-on is ideal for guitarists looking for high-gain sounds and exotic effects, and is compatible with third generation Ampire (Studio One version 5.1.1 or higher), including standalone VST/AU/AAX. versions. Mix and match amps, cabinets and tompers to create sounds from grindcore to thrash and every massive guitar tone in between – the Ampire High Density add-on will confirm your commitment to the heaviest music,
PreSonus Ampire High Density Pack 1.0.2版放下喇叭,保护您的耳朵,Ampire High Densight Pack包括三个标志性的放大器和六个踩踏盒效果–所有这些都是通过状态空间模拟精心打造的。您还可以获得三个随附的脉冲响应机柜,这些机柜是根据标志性型号建模的。此Ampire插件非常适合于寻找高增益声音和奇异效果的吉他手,并且与第三代Ampire(Studio One 5.1.1版或更高版本)兼容,包括独立的VST/AU/AAX。版本。混搭放大器、橱柜和吊桶,从磨碎的芯到敲击声,以及其间的每一种大吉他音色,Ampire High Density插件将确认您对最重音乐的承诺,
PreSonus Analog Effects Collection v1.0.0 Get five fan-favorite retro effects with the Analog Effects Collection! Add authentic-sounding classic analog alchemy to your digital products without any maintenance issues or original equipment purchase costs. Every effect in the collection represents the pinnacle of PreSonus® craftsmanship, from State-Space Modeled speakers with inspiring sonic textures to classic vintage-inspired user interfaces. Each analog effect includes several professionally crafted presets that make your mix decisions much easier. These are true workhorse plug-ins that you will use in countless production environments – in fact, once you try PreSonus analog effects, you will be surprised
PreSonus Analog Effects Collection 1.0.0版使用Analoge Effects Collection获得五种粉丝喜爱的复古效果!为您的数字产品添加正宗的经典模拟炼金术,无需任何维护问题或原始设备购买成本。该系列的每一种效果都代表了PreSonus®工艺的巅峰,从具有鼓舞人心的声音纹理的State Space Modeled扬声器到经典复古风格的用户界面。每个模拟效果都包括几个专业制作的预设,使您的混音决策更加容易。这些都是您将在无数生产环境中使用的真正的主力插件——事实上,一旦您尝试PreSonus模拟效果,您会感到惊讶
Previously they were only available in Studio One® Professional and Artist, but due to popular demand we have made them available in VST3, AU and AAX formats via the PreSonus Hub. Analog Chorus, Analog Delay, Red Light Distortion, Rotor and Tricomp® can be purchased individually or in an economical five-pluggable bundle.
此前,它们仅在Studio One® rofessional和Artist中提供,但由于普遍需求,我们已通过PreSonus Hub以VST3、AU和AAX格式提供。模拟合唱、模拟延迟、红光失真、Rotor和Tricomp®可以单独购买,也可以以经济的五插拔捆绑方式购买。
