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[多重效果] plugin alliance Unfiltered Audio BYOME v1.3.6插件联盟旗下多重效果器,含有混响、延迟、动态压缩、门限、滤波,降噪有多种预设VST,VST3,AAX,WIN



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发表于 2023-4-8 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
WIN格式:VST VST3 AAX  WIN(32位) WIN(64位) 
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欢迎来到BYOME,您的新效果环境-BYOME(“构建您自己的模块化效果”)将Unfiltered Audio最前沿的效果选项结合在这40种独特效果类型的集合中。每一款都经过精心设计,在不牺牲易用性的前提下,实现了最大的冲击力和创造性。

Welcome to BYOME, your new effect environment - BYOME ("Build Your Own Modular Effect") combines Unfiltered Audio's most cutting-edge effect options in this collection of 40 unique effect types. Each one has been meticulously engineered for maximum impact and creative possibilities without sacrificing ease of use.

Reverbs galore


Are you looking for a reverb to set your tracks apart? Check out Deep Reverb, a massive atmospheric goldmine with infinite echoes, custom tuned to make your synths sound truly epic. Want something more experimental? Unfiltered Audio's classic Renoun Reverb is back: a modulated reverb that can cleanly morph between classic rooms and impossible geometries. Want even more character? The Lofi Reverb is inspired by the classic recordings of electronic music pioneers and features ten separate reverb algorithms!

你在找混响来把你的音轨分开吗?查看Deep Reverb,这是一个巨大的大气金矿,具有无限回声,可以定制您的合成器,使其听起来真正史诗般。想要更具实验性的东西吗?Unfiltered Audio的经典雷诺恩混响又回来了:一种调制混响,可以在经典房间和不可能的几何形状之间清晰地变形。想要更多的角色?Lofi混响的灵感来自电子音乐先驱的经典录音,具有十种独立的混响算法!

A Swiss Army knife of sound shaping


So many of Unfiltered Audio's legendary algorithms are represented here, from Sandman Pro's Instant Delay to Fault's Frequency Shifter. But there are many new algorithms as well, including a powerful Phaser with up to 48 stages and variable harmonic all-pass tuning, a massive Granulator with up to 4 octaves of pitch shifting and deep time shifting, and a Resonator Bank with four parallel comb filters for making any material sound richly harmonic.

从Sandman Pro的Instant Delay到Fault的Frequency Shifter,这里展示了许多Unfiltered Audio的传奇算法。但也有许多新的算法,包括一个强大的相位器(最多48级)和可变谐波全通调谐,一个巨大的造粒器(最多4个八度音调偏移和深度时间偏移),以及一个带四个并联梳状滤波器的谐振器组(可使任何材料发出丰富的谐波)。

Classic mixing tricks, next-gen stereo spreading and more


Check out the Stereo Image module, a collection of eight classic mixing tricks with simplified controls. (Including a quick button to check what a mono mixdown would sound like). These algorithms include "Micro Pitch," a method for subtly pitch shifting both channels, "Micro Delay," "Mid/Side EQ," or the wild "Rotation," which maps your mix to an imaginary circle and spins it around in space. Also included are a Panner with multiple pan laws that integrates with the modulation effects for memorable Auto-Panning effects


Compressors and limiters with personality, EQs with unusual features and more


Need a Dynamics effect? Choose between the quick Auto Compressor, the deeper Compressor, the purpose-built Limiter, and the popular Noise Gate from G8. The Dynamics effects are compatible with external sidechains. Try out the 3-Band EQ with a unique "Unity Gain" feature and more. Use the Input Follower for creative sidechaining effects, like a reverb that changes sizes in response to a kick drum.

需要动力学效果吗?在快速自动压缩机、更深的压缩机、特制限制器和广受欢迎的G8噪音门之间进行选择。动态效果与外部侧链兼容。试用具有独特“Unity Gain”功能的3频段均衡器等。使用输入跟随器实现创造性的侧链效果,如根据底鼓改变大小的混响。

Tons of presets to get you up and running right away


To get you started, BYOME includes a massive library of over 400 presets spanning a number of genres and techniques. Major producers including Mich Shultz and ignatius provided presets for all users, and for the more experimentally minded, Unfiltered Audio has partnered with Ivo Ivanov of Glitchmachines for the creation of 70 cutting-edge presets designed for the production of futuristic drums and percussion.

首先,BYOME包含了一个庞大的库,其中包含了400多个预设,涵盖了多种流派和技术。包括Mich Shultz和ignatius在内的主要制作人为所有用户提供了预设,对于更具实验意识的用户,Unfiltered Audio与Glitchmachines的Ivo Ivanov合作,为未来鼓乐和打击乐器的生产设计了70个尖端预设。



Over 400 presets, including large libraries from Mick Schultz, Ivo Ivanov. (Glitchmachines), Richard Devine, and ignatius.

超过400个预设,包括Mick Schultz、Ivo Ivanov的大型库。(Glitchmachines)、Richard Devine和ignatius。

Fully compatible with Native Instruments NKS (Native Kontrol Standard) with complete. tagging for all 400+ presets!

与Native Instruments NKS(Native Kontrol Standard)完全兼容。标记所有400+预设!

Over 40 effect modules to choose from, spanning Delays, Distortions, Dynamics, Filters, Granular, Mixing, Modulation, and Reverbs.


Many new Modulators to choose from, including Spectral Follower and Probability Gate.


Supports external sidechain signals for Dynamics Effects and Follower Modulators.


Presets for individual Effects and Modulators.


Per-Section, per-Effect, and per-Modulator Randomization.





累计签到:2 天
连续签到:1 天
发表于 2023-2-11 02:21:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国湖南衡阳


累计签到:8 天
连续签到:1 天
发表于 2023-2-12 20:10:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国河北唐山


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