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作为钻机建模的革命性概念,也是TONEX生态系统的核心,TONEX软件使用突破性的AI机器建模™ 这项技术可以让您对任何放大器、柜子、组合器或踏板的声音进行建模,并将其转换为插件,所有这些都具有几乎无法与真实声音区分的声音精度。您可以立即播放多达1000多种Tone Models,还可以在ToneNET的TONEX上浏览、演示和下载越来越多的Tone Model。
A revolutionary concept in rig modeling, and the core of the TONEX ecosystem, TONEX software uses breakthrough AI Machine Modeling™ technology to let you model the sound of any amp, cabinet, combo or pedal, and turn it into a plug-in, all with a sonic accuracy that’s virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. You can instantly play up to 1,000+ Tone Models already available plus browse, demo and download the growing number of Tone Models available on TONEX in ToneNET.
From rare one-of-a-kind vintage amps to modern rigs, TONEX makes it possible and affordable to own the most sought-after gear in the world.
TONEX Tone Modeling features
Model amps, cabinets, combos and pedals (like distortion, overdrive, fuzz, EQ or boost) in any combination, from single element to complex rig
Built-in assistant guides you through each step from hardware connection to complete modeling
Assign custom skins to your modeled gear and open them as a plug-in or standalone inside the TONEX software and app, or AmpliTube 5 for Mac/PC
为您的建模装备指定自定义蒙皮,并在TONEX软件和应用程序或Mac/PC的AmpliTube 5中以插件或独立形式打开它们
Create Tone Models in minutes (as fast as 5 minutes on modern computers*) using AI Machine Modeling technology with selectable levels of accuracy
Ultra-precise reproduction of high-frequency content with no aliasing whatsoever
Works also as an IR creator or you can use the built-in VIR™ cabinets with multiple IRs per cabinet
也可以作为IR创建者使用,或者您可以使用内置VIR™ 每个机柜有多个IR的机柜
