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红石声HLF-3C完成被动EQ采集。该插件具有每倍频程12 dB的低截止滤波器和高截止滤波器,提供广泛的复古色调雕刻或过去时代的特殊效果,而不存在未经放大的无源硬件带来的插入损耗的不便。
Red Rock Sound HLF-3C completes the Passive EQ Collection. This plug-in has 12 dB per octave low and high cut filters, providing broad retro-tonal sculpting or bygone-era special effects, without the inconvenience of insertion loss found with the unamplified passive hardware.
You can easily subtract the unnecessary frequencies in any instrument and sub-group so they stay wonderfully musical in the mix.
The original HLF-3C hardware unit is a true passive design; there are no input/output amplifiers and it does not require any external power. As a result, there is an inherent loss of signal level when using the HLF-3C hardware. The RRS HLF-3C plug-in compensates for this inherent signal loss for simplified use in the modern era; it has unity gain upon insertion (there is no insertion loss until one or both of the cut filters is engaged).
原始HLF-3C硬件单元是真正的无源设计;没有输入/输出放大器,不需要任何外部电源。因此,当使用HLF-3C硬件时,存在信号电平的固有损耗。RRS HLF-3C插件补偿了这种固有的信号损耗,以便在现代时代简化使用;它在插入时具有单位增益(在一个或两个截止滤波器接合之前没有插入损耗)。
The HLF-3C interface is very simple and includes only three controls:
In — This toggle switch is the plug-in bypass control. When in the down position (bypassed), plug-in processing is disabled altogether. The plug-in is engaged with the switch is in the up position. This switch can be used to compare the processed settings to that of the original signal;
Low Cut — This rotary switch specifies the cutoff frequency of the low cut filter. Eleven frequencies are available: 50, 80, 100, 150, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 and 2000 CPS;
低截止-此旋转开关指定低截止滤波器的截止频率。11个频率可用:50、80、100、150、250、500、750、1000、1500和2000 CPS;
High Cut — This rotary switch specifies the cutoff frequency of the high cut filter. Eleven frequencies are available: 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15 KCS.
高截止-此旋转开关指定高截止滤波器的截止频率。11个频率可用:1.5、2、3、4、5、6、8、10、12和15 kC。
