![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
累计签到:58 天 连续签到:2 天
WIN格式: | VST VST3 AAX WIN(32位) WIN(64位) |
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其它系统格式: | 问题投诉 |
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容量: | 181M |
微信公众号输入命令: | 请在微信公众号中输入前面红色字体命令获取提取码等内容,这里没有内容就表示不需要 |
公众号回复内容: | 隐藏内容 查看操作方法 |
下载方式: | 网盘下载 当前帖子ID:
关注公众号 | vstivip  |
We are United-plugins. The word “United” in the company name represents how we come together and how we create. This means that we are a federation of small independent development teams made up of people previously involved in the business of the music industry.
The founding triad is JMG Sound, FireSonic and SoundDevice Digital.
创始三合会是JMG Sound、FireSonic和SoundDevice Digital。
Our team includes artists, producers and engineers. We all yearned for the freedom to create the tools we wanted to use in our studios in our projects. And we found it in creation. Our plugins may not be for the masses, but we’re probably making tools for people like you.
Expanse3D v1.5: The world is not flat and your music shouldn’t be. Expanse 3D, JMG Sound’s space enhancer, takes advantage of the latest (and futuristic) knowledge of psychoacoustic effects to help your tracks explode in all three dimensions. This 3D expander will make your sounds deeper, wider and more spacious. Or, in short, your music will sound super massive!
Expanse3D v1.5:世界不是平的,你的音乐也不应该是平的。JMG Sound的空间增强器Expanse 3D利用最新(和未来派)的心理声学效果知识,帮助您的音轨在所有三维中爆炸。这款3D扩展器将使您的声音更深沉、更宽、更宽敞。或者,简言之,你的音乐会听起来超级棒!
Hyperspace v2.5: Hyperspace is an algorithmic reverb that allows the user to create algorithms composed of different processors. Vintage, Classic, Retro, Modern, Sci-Fi and Space modes allow you to combine different algorithms with limitless possibilities. Hyperspace will enrich your tracks with a myriad of colors.
Hyperspace v2.5:Hyperspace是一种算法混响,允许用户创建由不同处理器组成的算法。复古、经典、复古、现代、科幻和空间模式允许您将不同的算法与无限的可能性结合起来。超空间将用无数颜色丰富您的轨迹。
Mirror v1.5: Imagine a plugin that sees the future. It flips your sound, applies effects, and plays it back before the event even starts. This plugin automatically creates everyone’s favorite reverb and snare effects in seconds, allowing you to focus on the sound, not the process. So, JMG Mirror is the world’s first inverse negative delay.
Nanopulse v1.0: Get ready to add power and power to your attacks that will cut through your mix like never before. Improve and shape transients in an innovative way.
Nanopulse v1.0:准备好为您的攻击添加力量,以前所未有的方式切断您的组合。以创新的方式改善和塑造瞬态。
