![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Blue Cat的PolyVibe是对复古“vibe”踏板的完全再创造,基于原始设计,并在21世纪将其进一步发展。
Blue Cat's PolyVibe is a complete re-creation of vintage "vibe" pedals, based on original designs and taking them several steps further for the 21st century.
Like the original "Uni-Vibe" pedal (a registered trademark of Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc.) played by Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, Robin Trower and many others, the PolyVibe plug-in gives you access to a wide range of vintage "vibe" tones, and actually much more!
与吉米·亨德里克斯、大卫·吉尔摩尔、罗宾·特洛威尔和其他许多人扮演的原始“Uni Vibe”踏板(Dunlop Manufacturing,Inc.的注册商标)一样,PolyVibe插件让您可以使用各种复古“Vibe”音调,实际上还有更多!
Using the original filters designs as a starting point, the plug-in lets you control their shape and motion in details to create new modulation effects, with two extra modes. It can also produce stereo vibe effects, while most pedals are still limited to mono these days.
You can of course synchronize the modulation with the host application, and adjust the feel of the oscillator with the "swing" control to fit the music.
Despite all these extra controls and options, it has never been so easy to find your own tone: the Tone Maps helps you explore existing presets and create new effects quickly
