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[动态处理/压缩器/EQ] Bettermaker EQ232D V1.02优秀的EQ效果器 AU.MAC



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发表于 2022-7-20 09:11:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Bettermaker EQ232D是Bettermaker团队开发的新千年最受尊重的模拟大师EQ之一的忠实插件!

The Bettermaker EQ232D is a faithful plugin recreation of one of the most respected analog mastering EQs of the new millennium, developed by the Bettermaker team!

The original hardware Bettermaker EQ232P MKII on which it is based is renowned for delivering the lush, supple bottom and clear, smooth top end of the legendary Pultec EQs—but with a clean and modern twist that’s perfect for contemporary styles of Hip Hop, EDM, Pop, or even Metalcore.

它所基于的原厂硬件Bettermaker EQ232P MKII以提供传说中的Pultec EQ的丰满、柔软的底部和清晰、平滑的顶端而闻名,但具有干净和现代的扭曲感,非常适合嘻哈、EDM、Pop甚至Metalcore的当代风格。

This precisely modeled plugin version of Bettermaker’s instant classic mastering-grade EQ is no different. Like the analog original, it offers the incredible low and high-end shaping capabilities of the best passive EQ designs ever devised, along with the precision, detail, and features of a high-end 21st-century design.


At the heart of the Bettermaker EQ is the “P EQ” section, which recreates the classic curves and creative workflow of the iconic Pultec EQs, but with tremendous clean headroom, and without the extra grit or distortion of a vintage tube piece.

Bettermaker EQ的核心是“P EQ”部分,它再现了经典Pultec EQ的经典曲线和创造性工作流程,但具有巨大的净空,没有复古管件的额外砂砾或变形。

This blend of the best characteristics of old school and modern hardware EQs won the Bettermaker EQ232 fast fans with major producers and engineers like Mike Dean, Dave Pensado, Jaycen Joshua, Matt Schaeffer, Jimmy Douglass, Greg Wells, and Luca Pretolesi.

这种融合了传统和现代硬件EQ的最佳特性,赢得了Bettermaker EQ232 fast的粉丝,主要制作人和工程师包括Mike Dean、Dave Pensado、Jaycen Joshua、Matt Schaeffer、Jimmy Douglass、Greg Wells和Luca Pretolesi。

The EQ232 adds some additional features not found in the original Pultecs, like two wide-ranging semi-parametric bell filters, a flexible high pass filter, advanced mid-side processing, presets, A/B comparison options, and more.


Discover for yourself why the Bettermaker EQ is a contemporary classic, loved by some of the best engineers in the businesses for their big clean bottom, clear and soaring top end, and flexible, intuitive workflow.

亲自探索为什么Bettermaker EQ是一款当代经典产品,因其大而整洁的底部、清晰而高耸的高端以及灵活、直观的工作流程而受到企业中一些最佳工程师的喜爱。




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