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BFD 3.4鼓模块库(包括70种乐器,包括1997年的Sonor Designer和90年代后期的Tama Starclassic套件-x、Ludwig、Sonor和Tama snare鼓,以及一套Zildjian、Ufip、Paiste、Turkish和Sabian钹和hi帽)
Library for BFD 3.4 drum module (Included 70 instruments include 1997 Sonor Designer and late 90 Tama Starclassic kits -x, Ludwig, Sonor and Tama snare drums, as well as a set of Zildjian, Ufip, Paiste, Turkish and Sabian cymbals and hi-hats)
Additional Information
Expansion pack for BFD3, BFD2 and BFD Eco
BFD3、BFD2和BFD Eco扩展包
2 kits designed for 90s and early 2000s sounds
Hihats and cymbals included
2 sets of overheads and room mics
Sticks, hotrods and brushes
Plastic and felt kick beaters
Up to 300 samples per articulation for kicks and snares
BFD Modern Retro is an expansion pack for BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2 with a pair of kits that helped define the sound of the 90s and early 2000s.
BFD Modern Retro是BFD3、BFD Eco和BFD2的扩展包,带有一对套件,有助于定义90年代和2000年代早期的声音。
Produced and recorded by Chocolate Audio (the team behind BFD Imperial Drums), the pack combines extreme levels of detail with varied mic channels and beater types to provide a set of remarkably expressive drums with a wide timbral range.
由Chocolate Audio(BFD Imperial鼓的幕后团队)制作和录制,该组合将极端细节与各种话筒通道和打击器类型结合在一起,提供了一套音色范围广泛、极具表现力的鼓。
The 70 included instruments include 1997 Sonor Designer and late 90s Tama Starclassic kits, Ludwig, Sonor and Tama snares and a suite of cymbals and hihats by Zildjian, Ufip, Paiste, Turkish and Sabian. Many sounds feature hotrod or brush versions while kicks are provided in plastic and felt beater versions and recorded with 4 direct mics! The lush ambience of the recording space is captured with 2 sets of overhead and room mics.
其中70件乐器包括1997年的Sonor Designer和90年代末的Tama Starclassic套件、路德维希、Sonor和Tama snares以及Zildjian、Ufip、Paiste、Turkish和Sabian的一套钹和礼帽。许多声音都有热棒或刷子版本,而踢腿则有塑料和毛毡打手版本,并用4个直接话筒录制!2组头顶话筒和室内话筒捕捉到了录音空间的葱郁氛围。
BFD Modern Retro comes with mix-ready presets designed to offer a variety of pop/rock-oriented sounds although the pack is perfect for all modern genres that demand detailed, focused and powerful-sounding drums.
BFD Modern Retro配备混音预设,旨在提供各种流行/摇滚风格的声音,尽管该套装非常适合所有需要详细、专注和强大的鼓声的现代风格。