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[BFD打击乐主程序及采样] inMusic Brands – BFD Crush (BFD3)该鼓套件适用于所有类型的进步和技术摇滚和金属感曲



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发表于 2022-6-27 19:07:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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BFD 3.4 drum module extension (This kit ideal for all genres of progressive and technical rock and metal).

BFD 3.4鼓模块扩展(该套件适用于所有类型的进步和技术摇滚和金属)。

> An immensely detailed Crush Drums kit played with sticks


> A powerful kick drum captured three different ways


> 8 dynamic and full bodied snare drums


> A set of 6 aggressive sounding toms


> A full complement of Meinl cymbals


> Light amount of processing to get you started


> 10 presets included to push the kit even further


> Perfect for rock, metal, progressive rock and metal, technical metal, and djent


BFD Crush is an expansion pack for BFD3, BFD2, and BFD Eco, that captures a stunning Crush Drums Sublime AXM drum kit

BFD Crush是BFD3、BFD2和BFD Eco的扩展包,它捕获了一个惊人的粉碎鼓升华AXM鼓套件

Tuned and processed by our in-house engineers to sound loud and proud out of the box, this kit is perfect for all progressive and technical rock and metal genres. It comes with a full complement of Meinl Byzance cymbals, which also includes a range of stacked cymbals.


Our engineers used a range of exceptional microphones perfectly suited for heavier music. The kick drum was recorded in three variations; dampened, fully open, and without the resonant head, and was captured using the infamous Audix D6, Sennheiser E602, and the AKG D112. An AEA R84 ribbon microphone was also used to provide a different texture to the kick.

我们的工程师使用了一系列非常适合重音乐的特殊话筒。踢脚鼓记录为三种变化;阻尼,完全打开,没有共振头,使用臭名昭著的Audix D6,Sennheiser E602和AKG D112捕获。AEA R84带状话筒也用于为踢腿提供不同的纹理。

The kit was recorded with three snares across eight variations, giving you a range of dampened and resonant tones, as well as low and high tunings. Our approach of using a combination of dynamic and condenser microphones on the snare gives you maximum flexibility, and we used a ribbon microphone on the snares too.


We complement the kicks and snares with a set of six tom drums – two floor toms and four rack toms – which allow you to choose whether you want a set of three lower tuned toms, or three higher tuned toms. Or why not load all six toms at once for a huge progressive drum kit! These were recorded with the same microphones as the kick drum to allow you to find the perfect balance of tones between the entire shell set.


Included with the kit are ten cymbals from Meinl, recorded with beautifully smooth condenser microphones. We also included three stacked setups for more aggressive sounds.


Not content to stop there, we also recorded a tiled surface to give some shimmer to your drum kit, and we brought back the infamous PZM microphones from the BFD Eldorado sessions – these microphones give you a huge room sound and can be the foundation of your mix. We also included a mono microphone positioned just in front of the drum kit, which can be crushed to hell and back to really fatten up your productions.

不满足于到此为止,我们还录制了一个瓷砖表面,为您的鼓包提供一些微光,我们从BFD Eldorado会议中带回了声名狼藉的PZM话筒–这些话筒可以为您提供巨大的室内声音,并可以作为您混音的基础。我们还包括一个单声道麦克风,它位于鼓包的正前方,可以将其碾碎到地狱,然后再碾回来,让您的作品更加丰满。

This is an updated library from inMusic Brands. The installer is original, except for changing the serial number in one of the files to bypass the activation of the library

这是inMusic Brands的更新库。安装程序是原始的,除了更改其中一个文件中的序列号以绕过库的激活

Install the library


Run BFD3, go to the Tools – Set up content locations tab


Press the Search Folder button and specify the folder with the installed BFD Crush library

按Search Folder(搜索文件夹)按钮并指定安装了BFD Crush library的文件夹




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