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Lindell Audio SBC VST crack–体验传奇的总线压缩!
A faithful emulation of the classic analog buss compressor, with added features such as NUKE hyper-compression and THD®. The initial release consists of a thorough emulation of the wide and punchy stereo version and an even more versatile multi-band version which is planned to arrive in the Fall of 2022 as a FREE upgrade.
经典模拟buss压缩机的忠实仿真,添加了NUKE hyper compression和THD®等功能。最初的版本包括对宽大而有力的立体声版本的彻底模拟,以及计划于2022年秋季免费升级的更加通用的多波段版本。
Smooth, punchy glue from a compressor that was born to rock
The original American hardware compressor is one of the most popular stereo buss compressors of all time, and for a good reason. Transparent yet assertive, smooth yet punchy, it’s a perennial favorite on drums, mix bus, vocals, and any source that demands aggressive compression without compromises. The SBC plugin from Lindell Audio emulates this legendary classic with masterful precision and clarity, adding new features that can only be found in the digital domain.
美国原装硬件压缩机是有史以来最流行的立体声总线压缩机之一,这是有充分理由的。透明而自信,流畅而有力,是鼓、混音车、人声以及任何需要进行大胆压缩而不妥协的音源的常客。Lindell Audio的SBC插件以精湛的精确度和清晰度模拟了这一传奇经典,添加了只有在数字领域才能找到的新功能。
An industry standard for the mix bus, with extra versatility
This style of VCA compressor is easily one of the top two choices for analog Mix Buss compression in modern music production—right alongside the very best buss compressors from SSL. Like the original hardware, Lindell’s SBC (Stereo Buss Compressor) plugin offers tremendous tone and flexibility, and includes a series of carefully curated filters and knee options that make it a perfect choice for adding that last bit of extra “glue” and polish to the entire mix.
Marvelous on drum busses and more
The SBC shines on more than just mix buss material. This compressor is an absolute MUST on live drum busses, particularly in rock and metal genres, where it provides a tight, punchy, warm and “in-your-face” sound. Try Lindell’s added “NUKE” feature for extra crush on snare drum and room tracks, and don’t neglect this compressor whenever heavy-but-clean compression is needed on vocals and more.
Unique filters to custom-tailor your compression
The original compressors included a couple of seemingly subtle features that played an outsized role in its success. A special sidechain filter circuit applies a low cut and a high boost to the compressor’s detector circuit, ensuring it will respond to the most important parts of the mix, which so many other compressors ignore. A “feedforward” and “feedback” option allow for more modern or vintage style operation, while a variable stereo link control lets mixers decide exactly how much the left and right channels should interact with each other.
The sound of modern Rock, in the box
While the SBC will shine on any genre, it’s a must-have tool for rock mixers looking to add some upfront and aggressive character to their main mix, subgroups and select individual tracks.This is the sound you’ve heard on countless of your favorite modern rock releases for the past two decades. It is the analog buss compressor for the 21st century, now 100% ITB.
Inspired by the legendary API® 2500 compressor
Unique filter section provides the option of low cut and high boost for precisely targeted compression
Variable link between left and right channels
Select older “feed back” or more modern “feed forward” compression
Added “NUKE” option for even more aggressive compression
Selectable ratio, attack and release times
