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P42 Climax Line Amp v3.84
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax is an innovative multifaceted powerstrip for tone shaping/coloration, saturation and conjures more of the idea of working with hardware. P42 Climax begins with the heartbeat of a hardware line amp, and ends on every single track because it has the cpu coverage to do so (more than 300 instances in a single session). Sculpt your perfect sound whether processing a single instrument, grouped tracks, the 2-bus or even when mastering. The sound is simply… unbelievable!
Pulsar Modular P42 Climax是一款多方面的创新动力之旅,用于色调塑造/着色、饱和度,并激发了更多使用硬件的想法。P42 Climax从硬件线路放大器的心跳开始,在每个单轨上结束,因为它有cpu覆盖率(单个会话中有300多个实例)。无论是处理单个乐器、组合曲目、2总线,还是在掌握时,都可以塑造出完美的声音。这声音简直……难以置信!
P565 Siren Filter Set v0.9.9
P565 Siren features high and low pass filters with selectable slope and tunable musical resonance that brings you into the realm of some of the most sought after resonant filters and beyond. It also features two notch/peak filters designed for precise adjustment and creative expression. Each of these filters can be dynamically modulated based on an external input signal or the built-in dual envelope followers with fine control over attack, release, amount and speed characteristics. These features accumulate to a powerful creative use that ranges from subtle movement to funky rhythmic enhancement while still covering phasing, flanging and resonance sweeps.
P914 FFB v1.5.3
At a time when Bob Moog and others were pioneering the concept of voltage control for oscillators, filters, amplifiers, and more, Bob Moog again broke the mold and conceived a fixed filter bank; no voltage control! This was not an equalizer although it had certain visual characteristics of one. No, the intent of the FFB was to enhance the primary signal, adding harmonics at specific frequencies or removing them at others. This was a time when musicians and engineers were struggling to come to terms with the new synthesizers charging across the music industry and how to employ them in the composing and performing world. Some wanted completely new and never before heard sonic landscapes to push themselves and their audiences into new worlds of musical experience.
P11 Abyss v2.0.5
P42 Climax MOD v5.6.7
P44 Magnum v1.1.0
P422 Fairuz v1.0.3
P440 Sweet Spot v2.0.1
P450 MDN EQ v1.2.1
P455 MDN Sidecar v1.5.1
P565 Siren Filter Set v3.0.0
P915 Medusa v1.0.1

1Pulsar Audio – Pulsar Primavera v1.0.10 VST, VST3, AAX x64永恒的有机和复古混响效果器插件 一个完整的混响链插件,内置饱和度、滤镜、存在和静音控制。在几秒钟内获得标志性的“鼻音”
2Pulsar Modular – P455 MDN Sidecar + P450 EQ VST3, AAX 用于求和和和2总线混音的音频插件
3Pulsar Modular – P915 MEDUSA v0.8.1 VST3, AAX x64固定滤波器组的目的是增强合成器的主信号,在某些频率添加谐波或在其他频率去除谐波 它还可以作为其他滤波器结构所不具备的独特和创造性的声音塑造能力来源
4Pulsar Audio Pulsar W495 V1.0.6 [WiN]三频EQ的精确模拟 易于使用的音调整形器,适用于各个音轨。但它也可以增强整个组合的存在感和深度
5Pulsar Modular P44 Magnum V1.1 饱和效果器 它具有P42的标志性饱和,但具有新设计的电路VST3,AAX,WiN64
6Pulsar Audio Pulsar 8200 v1.0.11-R2R 传奇GML 8200的忠实仿制品 参数化EQ+图形化EQ效果器插件VST,VST3,AAX,WIN
7Pulsar Modular – P440 Sweet Spot v1.3 像拥有魔法一样的均衡效果器插件EQ插件VST3, AU, AAX WIN.OSX x64
8Pulsar Modular P11 Abyss 1.2 变色龙音频压缩器,让音色变得更干净VST3,AAX,AU [WiN-OSX]涵盖所有压缩机拓扑的声音
9Pulsar Modular P565 Filter Set v3.1.5滤波器效果器VST3,AU.MAC [U2B] -TRAZOR
10复古EQ均衡温暖效果器Pulsar Audio Pulsar Massive V1.2.8硬件模拟EQ大师们都在用对多种乐器和人声都有预设vst,vst3,aax,win32,win64
11复古滤波器效果器Pulsar Modular P914 FFB 1.53 VST插件音乐后期制作效果器
12精确建模模拟延迟、平板混响饱和仿真插件Pulsar Modular – Lunar Lander v2.1.2
13多功能增强效果器放大器饱和器Pulsar Modular – P42 Climax v5.6.7 VST3, AAX WIN64.MAC
14Pulsar Audio Mu v1.4.8 混音母带均可使用的压缩限制器插件.VST.VST3.AAX.WIN32.WIN64
15瞬时压缩效果器pulsar audio smasher (win)1.3.9.VST.VST3.AAX
16pulsar audio 1178 v1.3.9 win 模拟和增强场效应晶体管压缩机 VST,VST3,AAX,WIN32,WIN64
17回声/延迟效果器pulsar audio echorec v1.5.8 VST效果器下载音频处理插件人声乐器磁带延迟效果制作