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中国本土音乐制作人录制的古筝。古筝是中国最美丽的传统乐器之一,已有2000多年的历史。现代古筝是一种中国弹拨古筝,有21根弦和可移动的琴桥。主要的演奏风格包括拨动右侧和敲击左侧以创建音调模式,以及颤音。《黄河之声古筝》由张健(中国音乐学院)和马静(ADSH)与Best Service合作制作。这是中国本土音乐制作人首次精心挑选中国乐器样本,他们对自己的文化有着天然的理解,只想表达中国乐器的真正品质。
Gu Zheng recorded by local Chinese music producers. Gu Zheng is one of the most beautiful traditional Chinese instruments with over 2000 years of history. The modern Gu Zheng is a Chinese plucked zither with 21 strings and movable bridges. Primary playing styles include plucking the right side and tapping the left side to create tonal patterns, as well as tremolo. Gu Zheng of Yellow River Sound is produced by Zhang Jian (Chinese Conservatory of Music) and Ma Jing (ADSH) in collaboration with Best Service. For the first time, Chinese instrument samples have been carefully selected by local Chinese music producers who have a natural understanding of their culture and the only desire to express the true quality of Chinese instruments.
Gu Zheng Banner
Using Best Service ENGINE sample player technology, this virtual instrument offers more detailed articulations than ever before. Its freshness and elegance reflect the preserved spirit of Chinese culture. While many virtual instruments are at war for loudness, YRS Gu Zheng’s low-speed samples allow you to experience the sound of silence, yet its wide dynamic range also delivers powerful impact. With the release of YRS Gu Zheng and other instruments, Chinese instruments will no longer be a subcategory in your ethno library. Treasures long hidden will be rediscovered. Just listen to the demo. These are purely MIDI arrangements and you will experience the virtual Gu Zheng you have always dreamed of!
使用最佳服务引擎示例播放器技术,此虚拟仪器提供了比以往任何时候都更详细的清晰度。它的清新典雅反映了中国文化的保存精神。虽然许多虚拟仪器都在为响度而战,但YRS Gu Zheng的低速样品让您体验到寂静之声,但其宽广的动态范围也带来了强大的冲击力。随着古筝和其他乐器的发行,中国乐器将不再是您民族图书馆的子类别。长期隐藏的宝藏将被重新发现。请听演示。这些都是纯粹的MIDI安排,你将体验到你梦寐以求的虚拟古筝!
Gu Zheng GUI
1.6 GB sample library, multiple samples per velocity layer
1.6 GB样本库,每个速度层多个样本
The most detailed articulations never before available, up to 5 velocity layers, 3 different up/down bend tempos, etc.
Samples of Gu Zheng’s famous custom design.
Recorded at the China Conservatory of Music using Direct Stream digital technology and 5 microphone positions. 24bit
/ 44.1kHz sample playback
