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Just A Filter是一种灵活的多模滤波器。
Here are the features:
- Type: Low-Shelf, Low-Cut, Notch, High-Cut, or High-Shelf
- Q: Linear or Proportional
- In Linear mode, the bandwidth dial affects the bandwidth in a 1:1 way with no deviation, perfectly fine for anything
- In Proportional Mode, the bandwidth is affected by the filter gain. As the filter gain goes towards the max gain, either negative or positive, the bandwidth narrows. So small gains are wide and large gains are narrow. This emulates hardware EQ's like the API 560
-在比例模式下,带宽受滤波器增益的影响。当滤波器增益接近最大增益时,无论是负增益还是正增益,带宽都会变窄。因此,小的收益是广泛的,大的收益是狭窄的。这模拟了API 560等硬件EQ
- Quality: This is the oversampling toggle. In normal mode there is no oversampling, on high mode there is 8X oversampling
- Phase flip toggle (green phase symbol left top corner)
- Gain: Filter gain between -12 and +12 dB
-增益:滤波器增益介于-12和+12 dB之间
- Bandwidth: Q factor, in proportional mode the dial does nothing.
- Cutoff: Cutoff frequency between 20 and 20k hertz
Added trim slider box as an output gain and fixed the menu's default text to be more clear on the intent!
Do you sit around your DAW just dreaming about having a simple, single-band filter? No? Too bad, now you have one.
When prototyping DSP, I have a simple plugin that uses my custom filter so that I can match EQ curves when modeling something else. So, I decided to turn that filter into a plugin just in case anyone else finds it useful.
Platforms: Mac (Universal build) Windows 10 (VST3)
平台:Mac(通用构建)Windows 10(VST3)
