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[混响] Initial Audio AR1 Reverb 1.3.0 专业乐器混响效果器VST, VST3, AU WiN x64在钢琴、铃铛、吉他和人声上的表现令人惊叹



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发表于 2022-5-21 23:04:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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AR1 is an algorithmic reverb plug-in designed to sound great on all types of instruments. The AR1 sounds amazing on pianos, bells, guitars and vocals, as well as more synthetic sounds like synth leads. We’ve tuned and tested thousands of hours to get this sound just right for any audio source you want to use.

AR1是一个算法混响插件,设计用于所有类型的乐器。AR1在钢琴、铃铛、吉他和人声上的表现令人惊叹,还有更多的合成声音,如synth leads。我们已经调试和测试了数千小时,以获得适合您想要使用的任何音频源的声音。

The Reverb plugin is used to make the instruments sound like they are playing in a real place (Hall, Stadium, etc.), an algorithmic (i.e. real time) reverb has to recreate this very convincingly otherwise it will sound “wrong”. ‘ or fake.


AR1 Reverb gives you the ability to create the space to your liking with very easy to use controls. We want this to be your quality reverb plugin. The AR1 sounds great and is easy to use with a high definition interface that is a pleasure to work with. Be sure to try the demo and see for yourself.


-> Early Size: Controls the distance or size of any early reflections.


-> Early Level: Controls how much the early time signature control affects the overall sound of the reverb.


-> Size: Increases the size of the reverb space and also increases the length of the reverb tail.


-> Width: Stereo width, at 0% the reverb will be completely mono, losing all stereo information. At 100%, the reverb sounds as wide as possible in the stereo field.


-> Pre delay: The AR1 reverb response is delayed by the amount of pre delay in milliseconds. This can give the effect of even more space or just sound more natural. Sound reflections usually take some time to reach the ear. Set the exact amount with a preliminary delay.


-> Bandwidth: Reduces the amount of high frequencies in the reverb. This would make the reverb sound “softer” if you were in a room with upholstered furniture and carpets, as opposed to a kitchen or bathroom with a lot of hard surfaces.


-> Damping: Controls how quickly the high frequencies of the reverb dissipate over time. More damping will make the reverb sound softer, and the overall reverb will also decrease in volume more quickly. High damping means that the reverb is absorbed very quickly by the room and doesn’t produce as much reverb.


-> Modulation: Adds a slight pitch modulation to the reverb tail.


-> Mix: Controls how much of the original sound is mixed into the reverb. Set to 100 wet to get only the AR1 reverb tail.



发表于 2022-9-27 22:08:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国


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