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Tighten your mixes with musical bus compression Use the Bettermaker Bus Compressor to add bus compression to your drum, vocal, guitar, and stereo buses. This VCA bus compressor plugin is designed to preserve transient material and maintain “punch” while glueing your mixes together. The Bettermaker Bus Compressor will add the warmth and vibe that your submixes have been missing, especially when applied to raw studio recordings.
使用音乐总线压缩来收紧混音使用Bettermaker总线压缩器将总线压缩添加到您的鼓、声乐、吉他和立体声总线中。这款VCA总线压缩机插件旨在保护瞬态材料,并在将混合物粘合在一起时保持“冲击力”。Bettermaker Bus Compressor将增加您的子混音所缺少的温暖和氛围,尤其是在应用于原始录音室录音时。
Unlock an enhanced hardware emulation with added features
The hardware version of the Bettermaker Bus Compressor uses an entirely analog signal path with settings that are saved and recalled digitally; this has led to the unit’s widespread popularity amongst professional mixing and mastering engineers. While the Bettermaker Bus Compressor plugin sounds very similar to the hardware, it’s slightly more forgiving and surgical, allowing you to de-ess vocals and hi-hats. Furthermore, the VCA Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) knob generates additional harmonic content, subtly saturating your music.
Bettermaker总线压缩器的硬件版本使用完全模拟的信号路径,其设置以数字方式保存和调用;这使得该装置在专业混合和熟练工程师中广受欢迎。虽然Bettermaker Bus Compressor插件听起来与硬件非常相似,但它稍微宽容一些,更具手术性,可以让你消除人声和嗨帽。此外,VCA总谐波失真(THD)旋钮会产生额外的谐波内容,使您的音乐微妙地饱和。
Filter and boost the sidechain signal to avoid pumping effects
When processing bass-heavy sounds, many compressors often respond too aggressively to low-end transients. As a result, you may end up with undesirable pumping effects. The Bettermaker Bus Compressor includes a sidechain high-pass filter and midrange boost option. Use these features to target the punch of kick drums and the sibilance in vocals.
Choose between responsive or smooth compression
The Bettermaker Bus Compressor plugin features both Peak and RMS detection modes, making it an incredibly versatile compressor. Peak mode is intended for tight dynamics control and is perfect for taming aggressive drum transients. RMS mode provides smoother compression, ideal for sustained sounds like pads, basses, and vocal textures.
– Threshold, Ratio, Attack, and Release controls
– Auto Release mode that sets the release time based on musical content
– Mix knob to apply parallel compression
– Gain control to add positive or negative makeup gain
– Internal/external sidechain filtering options
– VCA THD that applies subtle saturation
–应用微妙饱和的VCA THD
– Peak and RMS detection modes
– Input, output, and gain reduction meters
– Choose between freely adjustable or stepped knob settings
– Factory presets