![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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WIN格式: | VST VST3 AAX EXE独立运行 |
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其它系统格式: | 问题投诉 |
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容量: | 72M |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
The AIR Solina Plugin is based on the Iconic classic 6-timbre polyphonic keyboard instrument featuring Contrabass, Cello, Viola, Violin, Trumpet and Horn selections with independent volume, pan and pitch control. Combine them for a massive sonic experience to liven up even the most thrilling music production.
AIR Solina插件基于经典的6音色复调键盘乐器,具有低音提琴、大提琴、中提琴、小提琴、小号和喇叭选择,并具有独立的音量、平移和音调控制。将它们结合在一起,就连最激动人心的音乐作品也能获得巨大的音效体验。
Solina produces highly realistic recreations of classic sounds with superior fidelity and dynamic response using proprietary dynamic modelling, a unique combination of optimised sampling and modelling techniques. Developed with over 20 years of expertise in this field.
AIR Solina also includes the new Flavor section for added texture and color to its sound. Also built-in is a wide array of effects including Delay, Reverb, and Chorus. With 75 built-in presets and endless tweakabiity, AIR Solina is the sound designers dream with no shortage of knobs to twist and turn for incredibly unique keyboard tones.
AIR Solina还加入了新的风味部分,为其声音增添了质感和色彩。此外,内置的还有一系列效果,包括延迟、混响和合唱。AIR Solina拥有75个内置预设和无休止的可调整性,是声音设计师的梦想,它不缺少旋钮来扭转和转动,以获得令人难以置信的独特键盘音调。
AIR Solina has world-class audio effects processing built-in to enhance your sounds as you create quickly. Choose from Compressor, Four Band EQ, Spring Reverb, Delay and the new Flavour, each with a dedicated section to dial-in any adjustments.
AIR Solina内置了世界一流的音频效果处理功能,可在您快速创作时增强声音效果。从压缩器、四波段均衡器、弹簧混响、延迟和新口味中进行选择,每个都有一个专用部分,可以进行任何调整。
New AIR Flavor - distort and transform your patches into lo-fi heaven all inside a single multi-effect. Apply eq simulations of radios, phones, and tape machines to dramatically change the timbre of a patch, distort, add noise, and tape flutter to access a range of lo-fi treatments.
The AIR Creative FX collection has been included as part of Pro Tools® since Version 8 and is considered the reference FX suite by some of the world's most respected audio professionals. AIR FX has been featured in many of the last decade's top film, game and music projects. Each plugin has been expertly designed with ease of use and will ensure professional results each time.
AIR Creative FX系列自第8版起就作为Pro Tools®的一部分,被世界上一些最受尊敬的音频专业人士视为参考FX套件。AIR FX在过去十年的许多顶级电影、游戏和音乐项目中都有过亮相。每个插件都经过专业设计,易于使用,每次都能确保专业效果。
Included with your Plugin purchase is our Desktop Player application. Fire up the Desktop Version of Solina and connect your favourite Midi Controller either by USB or Bluetooth, and you are ready to perform live. Our interface has been designed with ease of use and live performance for maximum playability.
Split, layer, pan and balance sampled versions of the original contrabass, cello, violin, viola, trumpet, horn layers more flexibly than on the original classic instrument.
LFO for Vibrato effects
Change the Formant, Filter and Age parameters to further shape the sound
75 factory presets
