![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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容量: | 38M |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
The GRM Tools Collection is an un-compared set of 18 amazing plug-ins that have been used by most renowned composers and sound designers around the world. Each GRM Tools plug-ins offers powerful and unique sound transformation and audio processing features. Conceived and crafted by the GRM Group (Groupe de Recherches Musicales) of the famous National Audiovisual Institute of Paris (France), GRM Tools Complete is the result of numerous years of research, experimentation and development.
GRM Tools Collection是一个由18个令人惊叹的插件组成的联合国系列,世界各地最著名的作曲家和声音设计师都使用了这些插件。每个GRM工具插件都提供了强大而独特的声音转换和音频处理功能。GRM Tools Complete由著名的巴黎国家音像研究所(法国)的GRM集团(GRM Group de Recherches Musicales)构思和制作,是多年研究、实验和开发的结果。
Find all four GRM Tools bundles in one pack: GRM Tools Evolution, GRM Tools Classic, GRM Tools Spectral Transform and GRM Tools Spaces.
Classic Bundle: The “Classic Bundle” contains the eight plugins that have made the GRM Tools reputation.
Spectral Transform Bundle: The GRM Tools “Spectral Transform” is a bundle of four plugins that provide powerful tools for sound enhancement and design.
Evolution Bundle: The GRM Tools “Evolution Bundle” lets you enter in a new world of sound design and novel harmonic treatments : vocoder and evolutionary morphing, shifts filters, timbral glissandi, noising, etc.
Evolution Bundle:GRM工具“Evolution Bundle”让你进入一个新的声音设计和新的和声处理世界:声码器和进化变形、移位过滤器、音色闪烁、噪声等。
Spaces Bundle: The GRM Tools “Spaces” bundle contains 3 effective multi channel plug-ins that let you take control of how your sound sources move through the sound field. It gives you the control over where you want to locate your sound and/or where you want it to travel to.
Spaces Bundle:GRM Tools“Spaces”Bundle包含3个有效的多通道插件,可以让您控制声源在声场中的移动方式。它可以让你控制声音的位置和/或传播方向。
A witch says,
* No iLok driver installation is required to run.
* Our release loads faster and uses less RAM than original version.
Original Installer = 1,060MB
R2R Installer = 38MB