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[动态处理/压缩器/EQ] 动态多波段压缩功能的参数均衡器Initial Audio Dynamic EQ v1.0.1



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发表于 2022-4-25 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Dynamic Eq is a parametric equalizer with multi-band compression features. Each band has a built in compressor, precise frequencies can be dynamically cut or boosted by setting the threshold. A level meter is available for each band with a marker showing the current threshold level. This gives a level of control over the frequencies in your mix that is not possible with a standard equaliser. This feature is very useful for de-essing or reducing resonant frequencies dynamically.
Dynamic Eq是一种具有多波段压缩功能的参数均衡器。每个波段都有一个内置的压缩器,通过设置阈值,可以动态削减或提高精确的频率。每个波段都有一个液位计,带有一个显示当前阈值液位的标记。这就为你的混音中的频率提供了一个标准均衡器无法实现的控制水平。这一特性对于动态降低谐振频率非常有用。

Dynamic Eq can be used as a standard equaliser for your day to day needs, when you need more control our transparent compression algorithm can be used to tame or boost specific frequencies.
Dynamic Eq可作为标准均衡器,满足您的日常需求,当您需要更多控制时,我们的透明压缩算法可用于驯服或提升特定频率。

Dynamic Eq is designed to be intuitive and super simple to use. With a sleek and modern design our Eq was made for the modern day producer. It’s all about the visual feedback, you won’t have to rely on your ears alone. The movement of the main Eq curve shows clearly which frequencies are being boosted or cut. The level meter gives a clear view of how loud a particular band is, while the frequency analyser gives an accurate overview of all the prominent frequencies in your mix.
Dynamic Eq的设计非常直观,使用非常简单。我们的Eq采用时尚现代的设计,专为现代制作人设计。这都是关于视觉反馈的,你不必仅仅依靠你的耳朵。主Eq曲线的移动清楚地显示了哪些频率被提高或降低。水平仪可以清楚地显示特定波段的音量,而频率分析仪可以准确地概述混音中的所有突出频率。

Dynamic Eq comes in VST, AU and AAX format and is compatible with all major daw’s such as FL Studio, Logic Pro, Reason, Cubase, Pro Tools, Machine, Ableton and more.
Dynamic Eq采用VST、AU和AAX格式,与所有主要daw兼容,如FL Studio、Logic Pro、Reason、Cubase、Pro Tools、Machine、Ableton等。

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发表于 2022-9-27 21:55:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国


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