![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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Dynamic Delay is exactly what it says, a Dynamic Delay Plugin. It has an internal side chain which ducks the loudness of the generated delays. Once the input audio goes below the threshold the delays can be heard clearly. This is a trick many professional producers use, but takes time to set up in your signal chain and usually requires a separate side chain compressor. Dynamic Delay brings this technique into one easy to use plugin saving time and money.
Side chaining is a very useful mixing technique, allowing sounds to punch through the mix while making others more silent. Dynamic Delay is particularly good on vocals allowing the vocal to really shine through and not compete for space with the delayed vocal. The silence between the vocal can be filled with a nice delay, leaving the original vocal clean and unaffected by the delay.
High Quality Effects
The delays produced are enhanced with our high quality build in effects that apply only to the delayed sound. These are Lowcut, Highcut, Reverb, Detune and Distortion.
Dynamic Delay has a built in one knob Reverb based on a simplified version of our AR1 Reverb. Detune is our unique algorithm that adds pitch variation to each delay, this adds a more organic and pleasing sound to the delays.
The Distortion is based on our Boost-X Saturation adding dynamic saturation to the delays, this makes the delays standout by adding extra harmonics.
The lowcut and Highcut are 36dB Analog modelled filters cutting unwanted high or low frequencies.