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Cerberus Bass Amplifikation is a three-channel bass amplifier Rack Extension/Plug-in that will deliver thundering lows straight from your computer. With it’s intuitive single screen interface whatever your playing stye is, pick or fingerstyle in any music you play, Cerberus Bass Amplifikation will provide the warmth and mellowness of tube amp, clarity and punch of solid-state power, or turn it up to destruction on the Drive amp type. For further tweaking, Cerberus Bass Amplifikation gives you tonal control through its compressor, contour control, parametric and graphic EQ, and D.I. wetness control. Carefully tuned and carrying enough power to rumble your studio.
Cerberus Bass Amplifikation是一款三通道Bass放大器机架扩展/插件,可直接从您的电脑传送雷鸣般的低音。Cerberus Bass Amplification凭借其直观的单屏界面,无论你的演奏风格是什么,无论你演奏的音乐是拾取还是指尖风格,都将提供管放大器的温暖和圆润,固态电源的清晰度和冲击力,或者将其放大到驱动放大器类型的破坏性。为了进一步调整,Cerberus Bass Amplifikation通过其压缩器、轮廓控制、参数和图形均衡器以及D.I.湿度控制为您提供色调控制。仔细调整,并携带足够的力量隆隆你的工作室。
Cerberus Bass Amplifikation also comes with features standard to Kuassa’s other amp products; noise gate, and dual cabinet miking modeler. In addition, the Rack Extension version features a handful of CV input controls, while the VST/VST3/AU/AAX version will have an external IR loader and a 3D miking interface
Cerberus Bass Amplifikation还具有Kuassa其他amp产品的标准功能;噪音门和双机柜miking modeler。此外,机架扩展版具有少量CV输入控件,而VST/VST3/AU/AAX版将具有外部IR加载程序和3D miking接口