![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Helix® Native delivers the power and tonal authenticity of award-winning HX Modeling technology in a plug-in. Like the hardware members of the Helix family of guitar processors—Helix Floor, Helix Rack, and Helix LT—the Helix Native plug-in features accurate recreations of vintage and modern amplifiers, speaker cabinets, microphones, and effects, as well as extensive signal-routing capabilities and an intuitive user interface. Not just for guitarists, the Helix Native plug-in is also ideal for producers and engineers, sound designers, film/TV/game composers, electronic musicians, and anyone else seeking to craft new and exciting sounds and special effects. And preset compatibility across the entire Helix family allows Helix hardware users to bring studio-created sounds to the stage by simply transferring their plug-in presets to their Helix Floor, Helix Rack, or Helix LT processors.
Helix®Native在一个插件中提供了屡获殊荣的HX建模技术的力量和色调真实性。与Helix系列吉他处理器Helix Floor、Helix Rack和Helix LT的硬件成员一样,Helix Native插件的特点是精确再现复古和现代的放大器、扬声器柜、麦克风和效果,以及广泛的信号路由功能和直观的用户界面。Helix Native插件不仅适用于吉他手,还适用于制作人和工程师、声音设计师、电影/电视/游戏作曲家、电子音乐家,以及其他任何想要制作新的、激动人心的声音和特效的人。整个Helix系列的预设兼容性允许Helix硬件用户通过简单地将其插件预设传输到Helix地板、Helix机架或Helix LT处理器,将studio创建的声音带到舞台上。
designed to inspire
The most sought after amps and effects models.
The Helix Native plug-in provides a limitless creative palette for inspiring tone creation, with 60+ amplifiers, 30+ speaker cabinets and a wide range of 100+ effects. The interface provides a fast and intuitive tone editing workflow, so you can instantly access your entire signal chain and quickly tweak your settings. Helix Native also supports 3rd party impulse responses (IRs), offering even greater tonal flexibility.
Helix Native插件为鼓舞人心的音调创作提供了无限的创意调色板,配备60多个放大器、30多个扬声器柜和100多个特效。该界面提供了快速直观的音调编辑工作流程,因此您可以立即访问整个信号链并快速调整设置。Helix Native还支持第三方脉冲响应(IRs),提供更大的音调灵活性。
take your tones from studio to stage
Seamless workflow and broad compatibility.
The Helix N