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注意这个只是采样文件,需要先安装 Audioease.Altiverb混响插件
The 252 Digital Reverberation System is the successor to the well-known 251 System. earlier models 250 and 251, this 252 system is supplied as a 19″ remote control rack. This IR set includes REV-D, NONLIN, REVERB and 250 VERB, all with 8 presets each. Then the REVERB and 250 VERB programs also have many reverb time settings from short (0.4 seconds) to long (4.5 seconds) with three different EQ settings (high, low, natural). CHORUS programs are not included.
252数字混响系统是著名的251系统的继任者。早期型号250和251,该252系统作为19英寸遥控机架提供。该IR套件包括REV-D、NONLIN、混响和250 VERB,每个都有8个预设。然后混响和250动词程序也有许多混响时间设置,从短(0.4秒)到长(4.5秒),有三种不同的EQ设置(高、低、自然)。合唱节目不包括在内。
Copy the library file 252.irbulk to C:\Program Files\Audio Ease\Altiverb 7\Impulse Responses\Audio Ease IRs
复制库文件252。irbulk到C:\Program Files\Audio Ease\Altiverb 7\Pulse Responses\Audio Ease IRs
PS You can directly download the file to this folder.