MtG is a cross–platform plug–in to speed the creation of dialog, music and effects beds. The new product acts as an editorial assistant, automatically inserting repeated segments or loops of digital audio “room tone” without the traditional time penalty.
Available for both Windows and macOS, MtG addresses the need for seamless, repetitive “looped” audio to act as an aural background for the creation of composite dialog, music or EFX tracks. Acting as a 64-bit plug–in, MtG offers engineers a fast way to define a segment of previously recorded audio for replication, or new sound from a microphone input can be recorded right into MtG. Then, that segment can be “topped and tailed,” or trimmed to include only the desired section. Finally, the prepared audio is automatically inserted into a track that has been cleaned of extraneous content, filling any gaps with smoothly repeated instances of the prepared sound. Controls are included to gain–adjust the inserted audio to seamlessly integrate the replacement material with the existing track. MtG同时适用于Windows和macOS,它满足了无缝、重复的“循环”音频的需求,可作为创建复合对话框、音乐或EFX曲目的听觉背景。作为一个64位插件,MtG为工程师提供了一种快速的方法来定义先前录制的音频片段进行复制,或者可以将麦克风输入的新声音直接录制到MtG中。然后,可以对该段进行“顶部和尾部”或修剪,以仅包括所需的部分。最后,准备好的音频自动插入到已清除无关内容的曲目中,用准备好的声音的平滑重复实例填补任何空白。控制包括增益-调整插入的音频,使替换材料与现有曲目无缝集成。 Conceived as a streamlined tool to speed the creation of effects tracks, ambience beds and room tone for dialog editorial, sound–for–picture editors, cinematic podcasters and talking book producers all need a fast and easy way to loop in audio clips during their work. This post–production step is even more crucial now that more than 60% of audio listeners use earphones or headphones for listening, where subjective background uniformity is critical. MtG makes that process easy, with the features and capabilities engineers need to bypass what is normally drudge work.